Tystianlor: Night Beckons

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The warlock can sense the humming of the portals from the Twisting Nether closing one by one. The demons have been pushed back and its reinforcements have stopped pouring into the cursed lands. Their allies, the Horde army and the Scryers faction are reinforcing their might with great strength.

The two hooded figures with their large blades rushes towards Tystianlor. This time, instead of evading their attacks, the warlock stood his ground and casted a curse that causes the two of them become feared and stood their ground. He then summoned chaotic energy from the Nether and launched two chaos bolt to both of them. He tore up the sky and called rain of fire to inflict pain onto the two.

One of them fell down onto the ground and revealed a disfigured elven face under the hood.

Tystianlor's heart skipped a beat. He recognised the birthmark on the elven ear anywhere. It is his undead son, Solanaar.

The other hooded figure opened up his hood. Palanaar laughed, his voice is now hoarse and grim, "Of course it is us, papa. Did you forget our rebirth many moons ago."

Solanaar stood up. Horror fell upon Tystianlor's face when he realized what his sons has become. The two right hand man of the Nathrezim, their undead body is pale and rotten with bones sticking out here and there. Their eyes are glowing red instead of blue or green of the Sin'dorei. Solanaar had his disfigured face fixed with replaced chin and nose, while Palanaar have his right hand replaced by another from shoulders to fingers.

"My son were dead at Fairbreeze Village. On the day of the invasion. You are nothing but their shadows."

Palanaar mocked his father, "Did you forgot our promise to you papa, that we want to become knights of justice, warriors of the right, and the paladin of the right hand."

His two undead sons then raised their swords and summon dark powers. Lightning appear from their swords and undead demons and orcs and elves and trolls raised up from the dead.

Solanaar make a faint ghast that sounds like laughter. His brother then continued, "Now you'll see true power, papa."

The warlock took several steps back, "You are not my sons, and I will destroy you today."

Within moments, he tore open the sky and summon a huge infernal, fiery demon able to take and lash out huge punishment for his foes, he locked his enemies down with fear and call more and more rains of fire.

Jhaalum cornered their enemies and gazed them with pure arcane energy and drain the energy from both Solanaar and Palanaar. Tystianlor casted firebolt and immolation to the undead that some have been burnt crisp to the ground. When the rest of the summoned undead fall to the ground, Solanaar charged towards his father while Palanaar strike him to his back.

In mere moments, Tystianlor can feel a presence behind him blocking Palanaar's strike while he manage to curse a banish spell to Solanaar. Vandel at his back then gave strike after strike to the undead elf yet he managed to parry each of it easily.

Tystianlor took steps backwards and faces the both of his undead sons.

Forgive me, Helena.

Once Solanaar broke himself from the banish curse, the warlock then summoned his inner chaotic powers and drained the soul of both of his opponents. Time slows down and Solanaar's charge to his father become disrupted. Their gaunt undead faces loses its appeal until only bones remains, their hair drops until the cracked skeleton become their faces. Then his two undead sons turned to dust.

Vandel dashed to the warlock, and pat his back. "The Burning Legion will use anything as their weapon, warlock. I am sorry you have to do that to your sons."

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