Durotha: To Battle!

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"I will need a small strike force into the fel barrier so that our allies can cut off their lines and break their siege." Tystianlor requested from Durotha.

"I will acquisition Shadow Hunter Den'jai and Der'ala to you. They know the shadows and they will keep you within it. I will command the cavalry when the time comes and the Earthshaker will hold the towers of this stronghold." Durotha planned.

On the first day of the siege, Durotha has signalled Shadowmoon Village and Sanctum of the Stars to send reinforcements. Even the remaining forces from the Black Temple were called to assist. When their allies mobilised to break the siege, huge green dome was suddenly erected destroying anyone that come close enough preventing the assault.

Their enemy, the fearsome fel orcs and intelligent mo'args were led by a demon hunter, almost similar like the one Tystianlor caught a few weeks ago. What if the Alliance is right? That all demon hunters are the enemy. Durotha knew this small force from the Illidari could not stand a chance against Durotha and her allies. But the fel barrier has given the Illidari an upper hand. But curiously, Durotha still cannot figure out why these Illidari wanted to reclaim their stronghold back so badly.

Another fel cannon fired at the Dragonmaw Fortress and the ground shook. Their food supply have been running low since a week ago. Even the mages and warlock's could not conjure a portal to this location. Something about the ley lines are being blocked.

"Captain, you need to get prepared with your wolf raiders, the warlock and the shadow hunters have breached the fel barrier." Earthshaker Hamuul commented. He is taking command of the defences.

"Hold this fortress for me Hamuul." Captain Durotha went down the tower and head to the stables where the orcish wolf raider were preparing, sharpening their blades and feeding their direwolves. A blood elf sorceress is guarding the stables from incoming fel cannon shot by raising an arcane barrier from time to time. Her energy seemed to almost drained.

"Hold out a little bit longer. Today we will break this siege and return home." Durotha comforted the sorceress. She nodded back with a thanks.

"Captain, the direwolves are ready and our blades are sharpened. Snowsong and Thunderfury have been armored as you requested," an orc raider reported.

Direwolves are large, almost as tall as Durotha, but her two proud brood, is larger than the rest. Snowsong is faster while Thunderfury is fiercer. Today she rode on Snowsong and let Thunderfury carry her second. 

It is time. Durotha decided.

"Today, we will show these Illidari what the Horde is all about. These demons have once corrupted most of us, but we fought through the corruption. And we prevailed! Raiders, break their lines with me. Rangers, cover our flanks and our rears. Mages and sorceresses, I need you to port out our wounded and get them to the priests. Warriors, grunts, blood knights, and earthshakers, charge in when we have broken their line."

The Horde cheered and shouted their war cries. Durotha mounted Snowsong to the front of the gates, leading the forces, readying the cavalry to charge in anytime soon. Her forces, the orcish grunts and raiders, troll berserker, shadow hunters, and headhunters, tauren earthshakers, undead rangers, and healers, and mages, along with the blood elven blood knights and mages, and rangers, all are ready. They are small in numbers, but their Horde reinforcement from Shadowmoon Valley and blood elves allies from the Sanctum of the Stars ready to surround the enemy upon her charge.

Then the ground shaken and the gates were opened. The fel enhancement that shaped like dome in front of them cracked and shattered. Durotha raised her blade and shouted the war cry, "Sons and daughters of the Horde, LOK'TAR O'GAR, VICTORY OR DEATH!"

As she and her raiders charged headlong onto the defending fel orcs, the rest of her army charge and join in into the fight. She can see that the Shadowmoon Village and the blood elven forces are reserving their forces strategically. She grunts at that thought.

Then she can notice the warlock Tystianlor holding a dark stone and a weathered book on another hand at the epicenter of the battlefield. The warlock is drawing circles and some lines on the ground. She whimper at the thought of what is coming next.

She rode hard to Tystianlor while killing two fel orcs charging towards her to stop the summoning ritual. Then another fel orc archer shoot Snowsong's hind legs and left it crippled. Durotha is thrown off her direwolves. Another fel orc came rushing with an axe towards her and she managed to block it at the last second. Then, another arrow come flying into her left arm piercing her elbows with a shattering shoot.

She screamed in pure agony before she take the head of the huge fel orc with a single swath of her blade. As Thunderfury fought off the archer, she can see Tystianlor has almost finished with the summoning of whatever it is he is summoning. A dark portal came swirling into existence and thunder came crashing with it. A huge Nathrezim demon came swooping down from the portal and shaken the earth. Half a dozen of her force died from the shockwave. Another two hooded figure came out of the portal with their dark swords onto Tystianlor. Then the legion came pouring from the portal. Winged demons with powerful magicks dreadguards, massive and strong felguards, mesmerizing and agile fighters called the shivarra and the sucubbi swarmed the battlefield. The reserves from her two allies now join the fight to hold the demons from entering the rest of their battlements.

All hell broke lose.

Her left arms was shoot with poison rendering it with great affliction and pain. She can see the veins are slowly turning blue and the poison may kill her. With Snowsong and Thunderfury covering her rear, she took a swift action to protect her forces. With one cut, she severed her left arm in pure pain and agony. With tears fallen down her face, she took the blade of the fel orc that she had killed earlier and stuck on her left arm replacing the infected arm she had severed to compress and stop the bleeding.

She can feel the strength almost gone from her body from the excruciating pain and agony her body felt. She prayed for strength from her ancestors and for a good battle. Then her adrenaline kicked in, the winged Nethrazim swooped down onto her trying to finish her.

I am not an easy prey. 

Then, she screamed a loud war cry and evaded the Nathrezim's shockwave. Her and her two direwolves now faces against the fearsome Nathrezim.

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