Suga (fantasy)

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You didn't believe in magic, or any special things like that. No, that was crazy talk. Yet your friend was talking about imaginary creatures and ghost all the time.

As you walked out of the bathroom, drying your hair, you turned and froze. A boy was gazing at you, a smirk played upon his lips while he sat on your bed. Quickly, you covered yourself and stepped back.

"No, don't hide. I was quite enjoying the show." His dark eyes followed your every movement, more interested in your body than keeping eye contact.

You pressed yourself against the wall. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

In a second he was standing in front of you, a hand touching your wet hair. His head tilted curiously and he grinned. "I could smell you from far away." His hand trailed down your throat slowly, and all the way to the towel you held. "I'm like... The Cheshire cat. From that movie, Alice in Wonderland, right?" At that he had a wide grin on his face.

"So you're not real?" Just like what your friend was saying.

He laughed and spun away, looking around the room. "You are kinda dull, you know?"

You are still confused and frozen in place, but you take the time to look around too. White walls, white bed sheets. Was he talking about your room or your personality?

"I'd like to paint the bed red." There was a growl that rose in his throat as he eyed you, the corners of his mouth pulling. He grabbed you and pushed you onto the bed, ignoring your cries.

Yet, even when the towel fell, his eyes were connected to yours. "What do you want?"

His brown hair shook as he leaned towards you. "I don't want to hurt you. Do you believe me?"

"What is your name?" You haven't meant to ask, but the words just rolled off your tongue. You were curious. This cute boy had entered your life, and now he was starting to be fun.

"Yoongi. What is yours, cute human?" His face was getting closer, and your breathing was getting heavier.

Closing your eyes slowly, you whisper, "_______." He smiles before kissing you softly, his lips against yours.

When you open your eyes, he is gone. There's no sign of him at all, but you can feel a lingering presence.


To be continued...? Tell me if you liked!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2014 ⏰

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