Chapter 1- A Letter to Simon

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        Hey guys if you've read my other story's you'll know I'm a Beginner. Please Enjoy. Comment and Vote please I love you all thank you. Hey guys so I REALLY REALLY wanted Danielle to be in this so I'm going to have her in the beginning and end but they brake up and Liam goes to...... Sophie I

Love you all



  Chapter 1- Letter to Simon


Simon's POV

          I was going though some mail that was sent to my office yes I get mail. Anyways then I came across one that was from Wisconsin and I thought 'you know they took the time to write a letter and send it all the way to England It might as well be important' so I opened it up.

          This girl is brilliant it will get the boys to stay out of trouble and  you know they could get more publicity from it. (Phone Call With Liam)



L-Hey uncle Si whats up?

S- Nothing I just need you and the boys to come and have a meeting with me

L- Um... Okay.. Did we do something wrong?

S- NO no, nothing of the sort I just- you know we'll talk about is when you get here can you be here by... 3 maybe?

L- Tell ya what we'll be there by 2 sound good?

S-Yes even better. See you then

(At 2)

Liam's POV

"LIIIAAAMMM why are we going to uncle Si's Office"


"LIAM CAN WE GET SOMETHING TO EAT FIRST" (I think we all know who that is :) Little Nialler)

"Liam you didn't let me get ready"

          "GUYS SHUT UP I cant watch the road and listen to all four of you. Uncle Si said that we had to be there at 2 but he sounded exited not mad so we should be good" I said to them and then found a parking spot and when inside. We walked into Uncle Si's Office and he was on his computer "Oh boys good, good I Have some news" Simon said kinda scaring me." Well anyways I was just reading some of my mail-" he started "Wait you get mail?" Lou cut him off  "Yes Louis keep up anyway I saw this one and it was from Wisconsin so I thought if this person took the time to send a letter all this way it might be important right?" We nodded "Well it was important turns out This girl sent the letter her name is Jasmine, she is 13, her best friend and herself  are like your guys' biggest' fan. And she is brilliant. She came up with the most amazing idea."-he pauses- *Reads letter*

          "The boys are getting to the age to where they should/could start settling down and whatever but I was thinking that you could have a contest or something and pick out someone to come stay with them for a amount of time and yeah if you read this and it was a waist of your time I'm sorry I would rather have you read this and hate it then not read it and think it was the best idea in the world.

~Jasmine Fortney

          "I love this idea, so what do you guys think?" Simon asked us. I was actual happy because I had thought about settling down with Danielle but I don't know how to bring it up to her. "I'm in" I say a little bit rushed "Yeah me too do you have a picture of her?" Zayn said. Simon went through the envelope "Nope but I'll Write her back and ask for a picture though it might not be here right away Is it just Liam and Zayn that are down with this?" Simon asked. I looked around as Lou and Niall raised there hands with big smiles on there face "I think it would be fun to have a little girl around the house it would lighten things up right" Niall said and looked at Lou and then rest of us. We all nodded but Harry. "Common Harry whats your say?" I ask "I say no" Harry said stern "What Why?" we all ask "I wanna be free do what I want be able to bring girls home at 2 in the morning I don't want to be tied down" Harry said "Harry you can bring girls to a hotel and how do you know that this isn't an opportunity that could change everything and like Simon said we would get more publicity" I said "Fine whatever its not like my say is going to change anything" Harry said leaving the room "What in the bloody hell is his problem?" Lou asks. We all shake our head. "I don't know but you lot think its a good idea yeah?" Simon asks we all nod our heads "Okay well majority rules so I'll get back to her as soon as I can" Simon says "Your dismissed"

(2 weeks Later)

Jasmines POV

           Hi my name is Jasmine. My full name is Jasmine Isabelle Fortney. I'm 13 years old turning 14 in January of next year and It is July. I  was born in 2002 in Wisconsin. I'm Currently at my best friends house. Her name is Abigael everyone calls her Abbi but I love her and she is amazing we were hanging out  today which we haven't done in a while. We were just taking picture as putting them on Instagram we took one picture posing like Zayn and Harry had in one of there pictures on Twitter. After that we decided to watch a scary movie, since it was getting late. it was called 'Smiley'  Just as it was getting to the part where the girl was in the library on her computer and Smiley popes up on her computer screen  my phone went off I swear we both jumped like 4 feet in the air oh my lord. We didn't scream or anything just jumped.. really high. It was my mom so Abbi pause the movie and I put my phone a speaker. "Hey mom.. you know its like-" I paused and checked the time "11:45 right?" I asked her "Oh sweetie you got a letter back" I wasn't really sure what she was talking about but if what I was thinking was correct then i was super exited. "A letter back from... the boys?" I asked nervous looking at Abbi she had the same exited but nervous expression on as me "No It was from Danielle your old friend that moved away" As she said that my heart sank then she said "Yes Of course it was from the boys" My mom said Oh My God I never thought they would reply but they did "Oh My Gosh" I whisper yelled  "Do you want me to read it to you" My mom asked "No i wanna read it by myself bring it when you come pick me up tomorrow" I say to her "Okay" she replies and we hang up.


So theres the first chapter hope you liked it P.s: I went back and changed all my mistakes so it has finally been corrected your welcome.

Love you guys and



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