Chapter 6: Cookie Grandma & Niall Horan

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Irish Cruise's POV

"Ouch! My head!" - Me 

"Your in a hospital, Your unconcious, while talking with Perrie & Zayn, Doctor says that your so exhausted, You loose your body, Butt tell okay, Why your so exhausted even though you didn't do anything that makes you tired? What did you do?" - Aunt Jean

"Ahm, I coulsn't sleep well at night, Since when i went here in America" - Me

"Is this all about THEM? Did you miss you family?" - Aunt Jean

"Yah, So much" - Me

"Why don't you tell me? Don't worry, I will get you to my Mom, your Grandma. You will lived with her, you'll go there when you went out here. Okay? You will feel comfortable there, 'cuz mom was always baked cookies, She's alone there, But i'm defenitely sure you'll enjoy living with her,she's a cool and funny Grandma, And a lot of people always going there to visit her, You'll have a lot of friends there not like here." - Aunt Jean

"I'm so thankful 'cuz all of you was so kind to me, I will study hard to gave back all of the great things that you gave to me, I love you Auntie !" - Me

And i hug her.

"But Auntie, where's Perrie and Zayn?" - Me

"Oh? Obcourse they supposed to go to their party. Thry get you here and call me, when i went here, i won't seen them, the Doctor said that they're in a hurry."- Aunt Jean

"OKAY. :(( " - Me


After i went out to the hospital, I packed my things and go to my Grandma's home. It was nearer from school than in my Aunt's House.I think the people here was so rich, Their house was so big and realy in plan.

"Hello Grandma?" - Me

I hear a voice inside of the house.

"You know Grandma, This is the reason why i used to go here." - GUY

And i knock the door. The door opens.

I was surprised of what face i saw, NIALL HORAN??

"Ahm, Grandma i think you have a visitor" - Niall

"Hi ! :))" - Niall (HE ADDED)

"H-Hi!" - Me (I feel nervous)

And i saw grandma.

"Hey! My lovely beautiful Grandaugher! Your already here! Come in please?" - Grandma

"Ahm, Okay thank you" - Me

Niall get my bagsand just smile at me, I was surprised with that. Oh Gosh! His so cute white and straight teet. Makes me melt down. But i'm not that kind of girl thou :))

"Niall will you mind to get that upstairs? In her room" - Grandma

"'Course no problem"- Naill

And when he already put my bags in my room.

"Niall, I want you to meet my grandaughter . Iirsh"- Grandma

"IRISH?"- Niall

"I am an irish too." - Niall

"No. it's not like that. That's her name." - Grandma

"OH! So sorry i got it. Anyway nice name. I did realy liked it." - Niall


Grandma tells me a lot of artist knows her, Demi,Ariana,Selena,And 1D.and many many more. Because grandma was popular in their village a COOKIE GRANDMA, most of the people living their was an artist. Gradma told me that not all of the artist has a bad attitude. 

And the sun is down. I just realize . Is this all coinsedence?? Because the happenings was realy unbelievable! Sometimes i thought im just dreaming, BUT NO. It's realy happening,

Imagine that? I met Zayn Malik an Perrie Edwards in school, Zayn was my bestfriend mow, Perrie was a friend of mine also. And now niall? So what's next? I think living here in America would be so memorable. I don't have any normal friends, but i have an artist friends. I don't expect this to happen.




- Iirsh Sayson

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