Chapter 10: Revelations...

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Ariana Grande POV

[Hey guys, same as usual, i thought everyone is free today, We'll having our sleepover again okay?! Our now venue was in our house! I will wait for your presence guys, I want us to be complete just for now, remember this is only one's a week. And another there will be a new friend that i will introduce her to you guys! Don't miss it! 7:00 SHARP] - Justin

Yehey! Sleepover again! I love sleepovers specially when someone was also going there ! <3 So exciting!

 While waiting the time....





I open the television.

Click here..

Click there..

And, STOP!

In television

"Hello everybody! Right now we have 5 mens beside me who didn't need an intorduction! We will ask them a lot of questions, and they should answer it in real statements only" - Interviewer

"Yeah!" - All of them

"Okay let's start!" - Interviewer

"The first question was to Zayn!" - Interviewer

"Mr. Malik! What was your fear then?" - Interviewer

"Ahm.... I can't swim." - Zayn

"That's horrible" - Louis (He chuckled)


" Haha! Okay! I agree with that!" - Interviewer

"Ahm. The next question goes to Mr. Styles"  - Interviewer

(OH MY G!) - Me (on my mind)

"Harry! We want to know if you and Irish was dating, 'cuz the pictures, the tweets, and the news was talking about the two of you, so Please?" - Interviewer

"Ahhmmmm" - Harry


"C'mon Bro! You can do it! Haha!" - Liam

"Mmm.Okay. My answer is .............Yes!" - Harry

"YEHEY! Now we knew it!" - Louis

"Haha!" - Harru

"Oh? Really? Well how many days or weeks so far you are dating " - Interviewer

"About 3 weeks i think." - Harry

"HAHA! This is -----" - Interviewer

I off the television

I won't expect this, but maybe he's just joking right? :( OMG. I thought im gonna fell on the ground.


It's already 6:30 i am now going there! I am so excited!



"Hello everybody?!" - Me

Then the door opens and it's HARRY?! OMG (Great start XD)

"Hey!" - Harry

"H-Hi" - Me

"Come in!" - Harru

"Where are they?" - Me

&quot;She's not afraid&quot;Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz