Chapter 1

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Gravity Winx

by adventremaker16 and Vampiric Storm

chapter edited by LovelessFantasy

chapter 1: The spark of the flame

Piedmont, August 31st, 2012. The air was cool, leaves were changing colors, and summer vacation was coming to an end. But to one pair of twins, this was only the beginning.

These twins arrived at a bus station after their summer of adventure, romance, horror and family bonding, both asleep next to each other with Waddles, their pet pig, in their arms. Mabel woke up as the bus made its stop in Piedmont, with their mother and father waiting outside for the children. This would be the first time they saw each other in 3 months.

Mabel opened her eyes and tapped her brother on his cheek. "Wake up bro-bro. We're home." She said sleepily.

Her brother opened his eyes and said "We are?" He stretched to wake up completely. "Well, it's time to see mom and dad for the first time in almost 3 months."

"I don't know about you, bro-bro, but I missed the crap out of them." Mabel exclaimed

They got up and grabbed their stuff. When they walked out of the bus with Waddles right behind them, they saw their parents and felt home again. "MOM! DAD!" They ran up and hugged them.

"We missed you so much," The twins said together.

"We missed you too," replied their father, smiling down at them. The twins let go of their parents and Mabel asks "What happened while we were gone?"

As she asked that, Waddles caught up to them and sniffed both the parents. After doing so, he backed up a bit, nose twitching in displeasure, or perhaps confusion.

"Oh, who's your little friend here?" Asked their mother. Mabel giggled and said "Mom, this is the pet I told you about, Waddles." Waddles snorts in response and stares at the mother. "Well hello there little piggy, I'm Mabel's mother." She rubs his head.

"if your wondering where she won Waddles, it was at a fair and he has been really good for her. Infact, he even saved her from a dinosaur." Dipper explained, a little scared that his mother might get rid of Waddles which would make Mabel sad, but it thankfully that didn't happen.

"A Dinosaur? You two must have had some fun with Stan." Miriam said, smiling.

"Actually, it was Stan and his twin brother, Ford." Dipper said.

"It's a long story. Can we explain when we get home?" Mabel asked. "We'll have dinner, we can talk and then we can get ready for school tomorrow."

Their mother nodded. When the kids were not looking she and the father nervously looked at each other, knowing that what they would tell their children today would change their lives.

"Kids," started their father "We have something to tell you. It's important, but we must go home first. What we're about to tell you isn't exactly something we feel like discussing in public." Both Dipper and Mabel look at each other wondering what is so serious.

When they got home, their parents locked the door behind them and pulled out a few old photo of themselves. In the pictures they look dressed like royalty, some with other members, some with guards and some with some strange blond girl. "Kids, we haven't been honest with everything. First of all, our names. I'm not Alex Pines and your mother isn't Ariel Pines. My real name is Oritel Sparks and your mother is Marion Sparks, king and queen of Domino, formally the most peaceful planet in the universe."

"Wait, what?!" The twins both shout.

Oritel sighs "There's more, kids. We used to rule over Domino. 16 years ago, three beings known as the Ancestral Witches and a dark wizard named Valtor came to our planet and turned it into a frozen wasteland. As far as we know, only your mother and I survived the attack. We came to earth to start a new life here on earth which is where we met Stanford Pines, who had been a royal adviser before the attack on Domino. Stanford also survived, but before he left Domino, he had talked about his twin in Gravity Falls on Earth, Stanley and about sending our kids over there when they were 12."

Marion joins in "What's more, our bloodline possesses a magical power greater them anything in the universe. You two have these powers deep inside you." Mabel and Dipper both looked at her doubtfully and Marion huffed. "Have you ever felt like you were different? Like you could make things happen that other people couldn't?" Oritel asks.

"You mean different like being outcasts?" Mabel asks. The twins imagined themselves at school being shunned by practically everyone. "Of course, I always wanted to find things like magic and the supernatural. Things that everyone says aren't real, but now they are!" Mabel said. "And I want to spread happiness around to everyone."

Marion smiles encouragingly as Oritel bends down and puts his hands on their shoulders "Mason, Mabel, your mother and I decided to sign you two up for a special school called Alfea, located on the planet Magix. It will help you two to discover who you truly are. We already spoke with the headmistress and you are both heading to Alfea Tomorrow." Mabel gasps in surprise "Are we going to the real life version of Hogwarts? AWESOME! We're going to be magical twins now."

Marion smiles at the twins as they suddenly realize an important key word in that sentence. "Wait a said tomorrow." Dipper said. "As in 'tomorrow' tomorrow?" Mabel added.

Dipper and Mabel looked at each other, worried about something important.

"Can we at least say goodbye to our friends?" Mabel asked.

"I mean, we won't get to see them again until we're done with the school year." Dipper added.

"Why yes, of course." Oritel said.

"We're not monsters. Go and see if they can come over. They'll want to know what happened to the only pair of twins they know." Marion said.

An hour later, all of the twin's local friends were at their house, wanting to know what was going on.

"Hey, everyone." Dipper said, finally breaking the ice.

"We have something to tell you." Mabel taking a deep breath, she said "Me and my brother will be transferring to a private school starting tomrrow. We don't know how long we will be there, so we wanted to do something all together tonight and celebrate one last night of us being friends together before school starts again." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Any questions before we start?" Dipper asked, causing one of the kids to raise their hand.

"Is it a boarding school?" One of them asked.

"A good question, and yes it is, sadly." Mabel said.

Just then, someone else raised their hand. "Will there be uniforms?" Asked another person in the group

"We don't know yet and, for Mabel's sake, let's hope there aren't any." Dipper said.

"Uniforms are the bane of my existence." Mabel said, causing some of the group to laugh.

Meanwhile in another room, their parents were talking to each other.

"Marion, is this the right thing to do?" Asked Oritel.

Marion to which responded "Of course, my dear. besides, they have too much of you in their blood. Both of them are fairies of the dragon's flame and may bring our planet back from its ice age set by valtor and the ancestral witches. To be honest, I wanted a son who can protect his girl with a blade, not have wings."

Marion sighed at the thought "Well, we'll just have to wait and see, Oritel. But to give birth to the first male fairy in 5,000 years...I feel like they're destined for greatness."

Oritel just nods in response, not knowing what adventures await the twins at Alfea, or the fact they'll uncover the whole t

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