Chapter 4

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Gravity Winx

by Adventuremaker16

Chapter 4: Alfea college for fairies part 1

7:50 am, a dreadful time for those sleeping but have something important to do in the next ten minutes. For some people, time can be managed very easily, but for others, that's a unwinnable battle. Unfortunately, the newly formed Winx are dealing have time issues, especially for the crown princess of Solaria herself.

"Why didint anyone tell us we were going to be late?" asked Stella, rushing with her books. "We woke you up a full hour before hand to get ready, but you went into your covers" Mabel explained. "And on the worst day to do so, Stella." added Bloom, still a little tired. "It's not my fault that I need my beauty sleep." Stella admitted. "Is your appearance that important that its going to get us all late?" Dipper asked. Musa giggles at the thought of a Stella without makeup, which would terrify everyone. "Alright, thats enough, little dip." Stella said, causing Mabel to laugh at his new nickname. "Little dip. That's a good one, Stella."

They get to the classroom with 5 minutes to spare, but see that their teacher isint here yet. "Where's the professor?" asked Tecna, as the winx sits down in a group of seets close to each other. "The professor's probably running late. He'll be here soon enough." responded one of the other students.

Soon enough, the leprechaun from the opening speech shows up and starts with his lesson. "Top o' ye mornin' ter ya, everyone! As usual, it befalls ter me ter keck aff de school year. Nigh, for dohs av yer who 'enny met me yet, scon are Professor Wizgiz, yisser teacher av metamorphosis, or as oi prefer ter call it..." Said the new professor, as he changes himself into Miss Griselda. "de art av changin'" He finished up, his voice combined with Griselda's voice. "de way yer look."

Everyone is shocked as they were impressed with his magic, awarding him with his applause. He changes back to normal. "Ah, but that's nathin'! by year's end, you'll chucker better than dat!" He assures his class. "An' since every endin' must 'av a beginnin', let us start wi' a simple exercise."

He then makes hand mirrors appear on every desk, making even dipper confused about whats about to happen. "Dis wan shud be so simple, even a wane can chucker it. luk in de mer-rer, luk at yerself, an' tink aboyt changin' de color av yisser 'air." Dipper takes off his hat as everyone starts concentrating. Bloom, however, cant seem to preform the spell. "Don't worry, lass. not everyone can git it on de first try." Wizgiz assures Bloom as they hear a scream from Mabel.

"I DID IT!" She says, with her hair now being in three different colors: purple, green and orange, exactly the same colors and pattern as the tail from her shooting star sweater. Wizgiz is impressed with her work. "Me ward. tree color's on yisser first try. dis may be early ter say, but oi tink you'll chucker really well in dis corse." Mabel smiles, but then sees that bloom is having a little trouble. "Professor, is it OK if I helped Bloom out?"

After class were done for the day, the winx were in their dorm rooms as Stella and Mabel help out Bloom with her spells. "No good, I have to keep trying." Bloom said, not wanting to fall behind. "Hmmm... ok, but one more time. School's just starting, Bloom, you'll get the hang of it in no time." Stella assured her friend and turns to mabel. "By the way, that was really nice what you said back there about helping her out." "aw, thanks. Mom and dad always said to help out whoever we can." she said, prideful of her work. Bloom then concentrates, but ends up making her bangs stick up.

"This isint what I wanted." Bloom said, horrified with her results. Mabel holds her laughter in, but fails to do so, while Stella starts laughing her butt off.

"Oh stop laughing, girls." Flora said, as she walked in and sits on the bed with them.

"They can keep laughing, Flora. If i cant preform a simple spell or transform into a fairy, that what use am I to this school?" Bloom said, feeling upset.

Gravity Winxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें