Chapter 6

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Gravity Winx

By Adventuremaker16

Chapter 6: The Black-Mud Swamp part one

The joys of an outdoor class have always been a favorite to students, whether they be from earth for a peaceful reading class, or for the students of Alfea ready for a personal test. Here, in the middle of a strange swamp, we see the students wearing matching safari outfits, with some students wearing safari hats (or in Dipper's case, his trapper hat) to help them protect themselves from whatever lies within the woods they their in. "Before I would like to explain today's activity" began the elf professor "I should warn you that it will be a little challenging to those who have little experience with the outdoors," He sees that a student was raising her hand. "Yes, miss Francine?"

"Professor Palladium, a mosquito just bit me." She said, feeling all high and mighty. "This is the outdoors, my dear. Mosquito's and other insects will be out here. It's all part of one big ecosystem of animals and plants." He said, trying to make her feel better. "But look where it got me." She said, lifting her shorts to reveal her thigh. "No one's going to date me with a bump on my thigh." The professor stepped back in response as Bloom covers the twin's eyes, not wanting to corrupt their fragile little minds. "I wanna see." Said Mabel. "Oh my...well-um...what I m-meant to say" He stuttered his response the best he can as the other students laughed at him. "Poor Palladium. We really shouldn't be giving him a hard time." Said Flora. "If he was more confident, maybe he would have gotten more respect." Tecna agreed with her friend.

Palladium cleared his throat and started saying something. "Now, as I was saying, today's activity will further your worth as a true fairy. You and your assigned teams of seven have three hours to get out of the the Black Mud Swamp and into the clearing in the Gloomy Wood Forest, all without using magic unless it's an emergency." He then teleports out of the swamp, but is still present enough to give one last sentence to his class. "Remember," he began, "Listen to nature and follow it's voice. They give out some really good advice."

The students break off into their groups, but the group were focusing on is getting knee deep in the mud, but to Dipper and Mabel, it's going up to their necks. "Can you carry us," asked Mabel, "We're not exactly tall as you girls and I don't want to drown in goop before marriage."

They immediately help their younger friends out by having Stella carry Mabel on her back and Tecna carrying Dipper bridal style. "I don't know about you girls, but this place is totally disgusting." Said Stella, who detests on being in the mud. "First thing i'm doing when I get back is taking a long, hot bath."

Musa agreed with Stella completely, saying "Totally, but I'll take one before you. There is no way i'm letting this mud get into my hair. It's personal, but it has to do with my cousin."

Tecna waves her hands the best she can without dropping her little 'genius buddy' in the mud to cast a spell, but Dipper stops her. "Wait," he began, "Remember what the professor said about magic. We have to listen to the voice of nature...whatever that means."

Flora sniffs the air quickly and covers her nose. "Ugh, that smell. It smells like..." she was about to finish her thought as she immediately knows what she smelled. "We have to get out of here, NOW!" She demanded. The others move away from the area as Flora picks up a stick, throws it and pops a gas bubble, which causes a chain reaction of other bubbles popping. "If Tecna cast that spell, Alfea might have been serving fried fairy wings for dinner tonight."

"Yea, and my outfit would have been ruined in the crossfire," Stella complained. "And you would have paid me back every cent of its value."

At the darkest, coldest rooms of Cloud tower, a door swung open and the Trix witches stormed in, obviously done with classes for the day. Pacifica was the most done of them all, as she just wants to lay down and think about stuff, maybe create a small metallic statue of herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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