Chapter 5

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Gravity Winx

By Adventuremaker16

Chapter 5: Alfea College for Fairies part two

Hurrying along back to the party room, Bloom was worried about what the witches have planed for them. "The rest of the Winx may know how to reverse the witches spell, or else something bad might happen to them." she told herself as she accidentally bumps into a Red Fountain student. This student, however, is familiar to the young fairy as he's one of the ones that rescued Bloom on earth from that ogre.

"Ow..." she told herself as she sees him. "Oh my god, Brandon, I am so sorry." she said as she tries to make him feel better. Brandon responded "I've faced worse hits then that, Bloom. But are you OK?" "Ill be fine, Brandon." she said, getting lost into his eyes." She then remembers what she was doing. "I'm sorry, Brandon, but I have to get going." She said, walking past him as Brandon wonders what he did wrong.

Bloom walks up to her friends and waves them to come over to her. "Oh Bloom, there you are." said Musa. "And where is your dress?" asked Stella. "If I have to be in one, then you have to as well." Dipper said, embarrassed as he was dragged away from Crimson, the android specialist with the slender body and the sci-fi looking robotic helmet, that he was getting along real well with. "No time to explain, girls, but the four witches are here." Bloom whispered to her friends.

"The witches? what did they do this time?" Flora asked quietly so the people around them wouldn't hear. "Icy and the others put a spell on the presents and I herd them saying something about a 'snake-rat', but I could be wrong." Bloom explained quickly. Upon hearing this, Tecna got out her handheld gadgets and started looking up snake-rats. "I found some info. Snake-rats are the descendants of the Phillis genus. In which they posses a toxic fluid in their fangs and are carnivores, mostly consisting on toads and other small animals."

Stella shivered at the thought of one of them. "I think we get the picture, tecna. Slimy, vicious, small little rodents, sort of like the witches. But why would they do this?" "If these are the same witches that sent that ogre after us, then it means they're using this opportunity to steal your ring." Tecna explained. Musa suggested they stop the eggs before they get handed out, but Mabel points to Crimson and Timmy readying the chest with the eggs inside of it.

"Were running out of time, girls." Flora said. "And we need a counter spell and fast. Everyone form a circle." demanded Stella as the seven of them do so. "Now, repeat after me: What it once was let it be again." Everyone nods and starts repeating the incantation a few times quietly as the eggs go back to normal, just in time for Timmy to hand an egg to a few girls. They open them and find butterflies in them, just like they should me.

"What a relief." Admitted Mabel. Her brother nods, agreeing with her as Crimson hands him an egg. "Here you go." They said in a robotic sounding voice. "Think of it as a good luck charm for the school year, Dipper." He couldn't tell what Crimson's face was doing, but he can tell that they were glad to meet him (he could have sworn they were smiling at him as well).

As Crimson walked away, Flora asked Dipper if she can borrow the egg. "Do I need to ask why?" He asked. "Remember Palladium's lesson?" She said, causing him to understand what she was talking about. He hands her the egg as Flora casts a spell on it. "Flora, what did you do to his egg?" Dipper merely replies "You ever herd of 'Karma' before?"

Outside of the school, the four witches were watching from a distance and were pissed with what happened. Icy is on the verge of killing someone, that's how pissed she was. "The spell didn't work." grunted Pacifica. "Don't worry, my little metallic witch. In the end, I always get what I want." Icy declared.

Roughly ten minutes later, Bloom was back in her room, this time with the twins coming to help her on her dress. "Thanks for helping me with the dress, guys, even if you don't know how to work with clothes." Bloom said. "I dont know alot about dresses, but i am good with sweaters" Mabel declared. "Anything to get me away from the party." Said Dipper, embarrassed about his outfit. "Thank goodness i'm not wearing any makeup, though." "I wanted to see my bro-bro with a little blush on his cheeks. Wouldn't you agree, Bloom?" Mabel said, which causes Kiko to start laughing at him with the thought of makeup which causes Dipper to throw a pillow at the bunny. "I don't see you out there, bunny." He said.

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