2. The king

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(edited. Just some capital letters and these: "/'. and some story parts as well)

sorry if the picture is not accurate <3  

-Your POV-

WHAT? Did he just say 1627??  It would make sense... The Guys and the man said 'Your majesty' But How could I travel in time so far... Not just a couple years no... 100rds of years. Time travel has always interested me but even in 2035, It wasn't a thing. Oh yeah, I'm sorry I'm from 2035. You'll learn more about me (you) throughout the story. I was so in shock that I just fainted. everything went black. 


The strange girl Shouted 'what?' when the man told her the year that we live in. I don't know why she was so shocked. It's basic knowledge. Almost everybody knows that is it 1627. Before Jungkook or I could question this young lady she fainted. I coughed her in my arms. "Brother. What do we do with her?" Jungkook. "Sir? do you perhaps know this girl?" I asked the man who was now standing up holding his daughter's hand. "No, your majesty. I have never seen her in my life. And I know everybody in This area." The man answered. "Take her to the castle." I said, 


It's been 3 days and you still haven't woken up. They don't know who you are and have been keeping a close watch so that they can question you where you're from and what you are doing here when you wake up. And what those weird things are that you carry with you.

Jimin and Jungkook told there father (the king) about this mysterious girl. The king was a very humble man that people sometimes took advantage of. He decided to keep you in one of the rooms and that you could stay until you recovered. 

*at dinner*

everyone was gathered at the dinner table there was an awkward silence as everybody slowly started to eat. after a while, the queen (Rajin) couldn't handle the silence and spoke. 

"Jimin... where did you find the poor girl? " Rajin asked before eating her meat. "Jungkook and I found her in the woods. she looked pretty lost." Jimin answered his mother while looking at Jungkook who nodded with a mouth full of food. "did she tell you her name and why she was here and why she was wearing such strange clothes?" Hoseok asked Jungkook who was sitting next to him. (Hoseok=cousin that was visiting for a while.) "no, it went so fast," Jungkook answered now with an empty mouth. 

Yoongi (the king's adviser) Came running in before anyone could say anything else. "she is awake!! come quick, your highness!" Yoongi said before running off again. Everybody's eyes widened and they all stood up walking to the room where you were kept. Jimin did not know why but he felt nervous.  

 -your pov-

You woke up and slowly opened your eyes. You saw 2  strangely dressed men standing by the door. Next, to your bed, there was another strangely dressed man. When he saw you move he called the other men to tell the king I'm awake. I ran to the middle of the room with a pillow ready to throw it to anyone that dares to come closer. "miss calm down you're save." the biggest guy out of the three said in a calm voice as he was walking closer. "BACK OFF!!' I yelled at the man and threw the pillow at him. He gave me a weird look as if he did not understand what I was saying. I just noticed that I was wearing fancy clothes. "WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!!' I yelled again at a different man that was standing by the door. He looks at the other guy and then back at me. "We don't know what you are saying." and then it hit me. they were talking Korean. thank god I know fluent Korean.  

The door flew open and there were 8 fancy people and some guards behind them. when I looked better I recognized Jungkook and Jimin and someone else... 


"JAMES!!! what are you doing here?" I said in Korean while running towards the boy in the front. I hugged him as tight as I could, but my heart dropped when the boy said this to me: "Sorry but I don't know you, miss... My name isn't James, but Hoseok.'

"B-but you look j-just like him" I stuttered while breaking the hug. I stepped back and dropped my head. "sorry." Hoseok said in a soft voice. 

I was looking down when I saw that my ring was gone!! "where is my ring?!!" I said slowly raising my voice as I was saying it. I ran to the bed and thew all the blankets off and looking through the room. "calm down. we'll find it. First, eat with us and explain what your purpose here is" An old deep voice told me. Purpose? purpose my ASS!! I looked at the man that the voice was from and nodded because I was really hungry. 

when we sat down I sat next to Jimin.  "Hello dear, my name is Rajin. I'm the queen. this is my Husband Jungsong and my sons Jungkook and Jimin. and last the cousins Jin and Hoseok.'" the queen said while a servant gave me some fancy looking food. "Dear wats your name?" she asked and I didn't answer right away. "I don't want to be rude but where am I and what day and year is it?" I asked now looking at Kathrin. "well dear." she said giving me a puzzled look. "You're in our castle and its 26 of may 1627." She answered me and by hearing her words I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip dropping my head. I took a deep breath. So it must be true then. I have really time traveled. I still can't believe it. I looked the queen straight in her eyes as a tear fell on my cheek slowly dripping down. "Thank you," I whispered as more tears started falling down and I stood up looked at everyone with my watery eyes and spoke as good as I could at this moment. I wasn't really sad I was just confused and frustrated. 

"My name is y/n... I-I am 19 years old and..." I paused again and continued after I tried for a while to talk. "and I don't belong here! I could get back. I'm sorry..." I said with all the confidence that was left in me. 

I walked into my room and started packing...


hope u liked it soon new part <3

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