5. Jungkook

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Jungkook pov

I decided to take her to an empty room. Only I know about this room. I come here when I want to escape from everything. It was my safe place. I could do anything that I wanted in there. For example dance. I love to dance, but I don't want anyone to know about that. Not even Jimin. My own blood brother. "Where are we going Jungkook?" Y/n asked. Still walking behind me. to a secret room where you can sleep in peace. 

your pov

I chuckled, "Not much of a secret if you're going to take me there." Jungkook abruptly stopped and turned around. "You are right about that. I am taking you there anyway" He said looking in my eyes with a glint of curiosity. He continued walking and after a minute of 2, we finally stopped in front of a door. He opened the door and walked in. I followed and closed the door behind me. Wow. I was amazed by what I saw in this so-called 'secret' room. there was a small bed but also a lot of paintings, books, and the most intriguing this was all the drawings and the fact that Jungkook hid all this from everybody. "wow, Al those books." I said while touching them. I grabbed one. 'Biology' is said. I could read it because I studied old Korean writing systems for a year and a half. I opened the book and started looking at the things written down and the drawings. most of the drawings were kinda off. and the descriptions made me laugh. "wow" I said again but more in disbelieve of how little they knew back in the days.  Nothing about chromosomes and just a small amount of info. "U know most of this information is wrong," I said but I didn't hear anything back for a good minute. Then I realized what I said and my eyes widened.

Jungkook pov

She was really impressed by everything in my room. She grabbed a book and to my surprise, it looked like she understood what was written on it. she was looking through it and was laughing a little bit. This really fascinated me. I never knew any woman that could read. Not even my own mother can read. She can read a little but it seems like y/n understood everything. Why was I feeling strange? "You know most of this information is wrong," She said Looking at a couple pages. What? How could a woman know things about biology? Not even I, A man, can understand that very well. She must be incredibly smart... but how? I must ask more about this place she comes from. I didn't answer. then she looked up like she realized what she said was impossible. She gasped. "I-I mean. How would I know hehe" She said nervously and put the book back quickly. "Yes... How would you know this?" I asked walking closer to her. "And who taught you, a woman, to read? Females can't read." I said getting closer every second. Could I really trust this girl? 

Your pov

He came closer every second. "I can explain..." I said and Jungkook stopped coming closer. "Then... explain," he said in a semi-calm voice. "I- someone- Uhm.." "yes?" He said. "Someone taught me." I splurted out. It wasn't a lie. Teachers thought me all those things. "Who taught y-" I cut him off "Look Jungkook. I don't think I should tell you anything about me. For your own... safety" I said and he gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?" "I mean that I know a lot of things that no one else knows and if they do things might change. For the better... or for worse. And I'm not taking that risk." I said escaping the situating by going to the other side of the room.

"How can I trust you then?" he said frowning a little. "That is up to you. But I can tell you one thing." He looked interested and look one step towards me. "And that is?" "I know things such as why's, how's and when's. I know the dates and stars. The planet and its creatures. I'm very smart in a lot of things compared to you but it's not up to me to release those things into the world, hope you understand." I said placing my self on the bed. " kind off, but not completely. I decided to trust you." He said and we stared into each other's eyes. I stood up and he came closer. he cupped my cheek and we slowly came closer and closer with our lips almost touching...

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