concert practice.

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Your pov.

I woke up and got ready for school i took some cookies for later break time and ate some pancakes. I look at my schedule today for my show and concert i realized it was today the day of my 18th concert with my old friend when they shared to me that theres an audition ahh yes i still remember... i giggled at my aunts reaction as she knew i was picked... i sighed and picked my bag. I went out walking by myself until... "watch out!" I saw a guy with glasses and his eyes are beautiful one is normal one is an upsidedown heart shape! with his skate board out of control going to my way i froze since hes one inch away from me but then... his skate bored tripped on a rock and he fell onto me i gasp as he landed staight to my chest. He got up inhaling for air then he realized... we both blush madly. "Im so soo sorry!!!" He siad waving his hands in defeat. But someone yelled "HEY GET BACK HERE NERD!" My anger rose... i stood up the little skelly raised his hands for defense but i went straight past him and confront the bully or i ment the jocks.... i saw pj by his jacket saying his name... he then stopped on his tracks and smirked " well well well what do we have here a pretty popstar huh?" "GET ASIDE PUNK WERE FINDING SOMEONE" the fish lady said... my anger  was on the top top... my eyes are flaring with anger they flared bloody red... i cracked my knuckles and spoke in my deep dark voice that chara teached me so i wouldnt got harm (auto correct i spelled harm but it spelled ham...) "LiSTen.... If yOu HUrT a SINGLE PERson wItOUt my PErMissIon.... I WiLL gIvE yoU  gUys A tIcKeT TO HELL GOT IT?¡¿?" they quickly nod in fear as the other skeleton in the back stared in amazement... they stumbled backwards as i took i step forward "listen im just doing this for peace and please...have mercy on people cause if not...remember... im your worst nightmare...." they stood and ran. I giggled innocently and went to the other skelly "look im sorry for doing thatits just i dont want anyone to get hurt "...i healed him since he got a knee scratch and help him up i look at my wrist watch "oh goodness were late! And im super late for rehersal!!" I ran away to my studio since principal tem already knows. My director came in i apologise and explain why im late and quickly reherse for my concert and ms. Mettaton came to fix my clothing. She gave me my popstar idol dress with leggings on the bottom.

(Change color and put black leggings please...)
I kept on practicing and reading the lyrics. Until pal bust in "HEY BFF CAN I GET A VIP PLEAAAAAAASSE!!!" he said hugging me and doing puppy eyes i giggled as he had a hue on his face i nod and said to my direct to give an vip to my friends i wrote their names to be called at the office to give them the vip ids and put them in the list. Pal jumped up and down. "Thank youuuuu!!!!~" he kissed my cheek he realized and blush but we giggled i told him to go to the office to get his vip so he did. I knew alphys was here so i put her name since we were friends in grade 6 and she called "h-hey n/n c-can y-y-you put m-m-my fr-friends in v-vip?" "Sure alphy ill put undyne too!" I smirked since i know whos her crush but i didnt met them inperson. I called an assistant to give them the vips to my other soon future friends i giggled and the assistants put wallpapers and poster around the town for my concert and... propably lots of people are offering to buy my tickets i sighed but its my job i put on my f/c popstar gloves to get ready as ms. Mtt made my hair and face paint my face paint is on my cheeks which are hearts and thunder shapes of black and f/c. I didnt want make up so i only put face paint and a blush on but... ms mtt put glitters on my hair and dress "dont worry darling youll be fine since youll look like a shimering star glamour!!!~" she squeled i giggled at her action so i was ready i practiced one more time. And practice the dance with my dance members.

Freshs pov.

The girl left and i knrw she was starlight the popstar i felt a wrm liquid go under my nose. .. i was nose bleeding from the scen where i fell until i wiped it off and ran to class i apologize to mr. Night but i was soon called in the office
It was temmie "hello and sorry but iam sereous today since i woke up wrong side of the bed so ill call fresh. Undyne.alphys.dust.napstablook.papyrus. fifi to come to the office for them to have a vip id for the concert of (y/n) starlight" i stood there frozen since she said vip cards... for the concert...i look at mr. Night whos gesturing to go... so i did i got to the office and saw everyone there some sqealing and some doing a victory dance which was fifi.
They were wearing their ids now so i was last i saw ms tem handing me my id card from down below since she was on my feet waving the card i grab it and thank her i was calm but inside i was fanboying then i let it out i join everyone in celerbrating but soon we were kicked out since we started squealing loudly so we all fist bumped we look at our cards

naj au x popstar! reader ~dance to my heartbeat~ (UNDER.HARD.EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now