Friend zoning everyone.

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Your pov.

The helped me go to the back stage and i said to them "i love you guys! Thank you for helping me get to stage"  the two blushed "I cant believe that two of my friends help me! Im so proud!" thats when they got hit by friend zoned power. "no probs b-bud!" quill said it looks like he hesitated abit on the bud word i shrugged it off i look at cil which was  hiding his face his hair was dazzling like stars giggled and hugged him "your cute when you blush mr. Sparklez!" (captain sparklez eh? Do you know him? No? Bacl to the story then) he blushed more from the sudden contact "since when did you made up a nickname (n/n)?" (put a nickname that you dont like not a bad one like your name is nicole but nick is her nickname.) "dont call me that you know i don't like  those  nicknames!" he laughed as i puffed my cheeks "you look cute like that." he continued to laugh as i blush and let go i saw quill glaring at cil "hey quilly and mr. Sparklez im giving you guys a vip card so you wont pay its a thank you gift" i give them some vip cards as they look at it in awe they thanked me i giggled and waved goodbye since i got a show to get to.

MTT made me wore a cute dress and made my hair "now darling since this is a rpc (roleplay concert like) you can wear these~" she pulls up a (favourite animal) tail and a pair of (f/a) ears she put the ears on my head it looked like I'm wearing a head band so she made the headband invisible so it look like i have real animal ears then i stood up and she put the tail it was a bit uncomfortable but she's a girl so i let it be besides i have shorts she pulled the tail out of the hole of my dress she once again put glitters and made me look like a dazzling star. I look at the mirror and squealed "i look sooo cute!!!! " i thank mtt "no problemo darling~" she went out of the room.

Here we go. I went out of the room and made my way to my crew members "ya guys ready?" i saw some of my friends still wearing their animal ears and tail i saw my best friend that's a boy Adam he has the same animal type as me he nod "some of the other arent yet so just practice abit more ill come with you" i nod happily he has black leather jacket and white shirt and black pants while i was wearing f/c dress with black/white linings/highlights. And boots we practicethe lyrics omce more since its... Ahem... Korean/Japanese (idk) when were ready we go to our spots at the back stage and i was underneath.

(your the one whose red in front and the blue one is Adam sorry if therws no vid its one two three )

As the music starts you were going up to the stage using the platformthe stage was dim the lights thats connected onto your clothing's were now glowing the audience was amazed... Then the lights went on all of the boys blushed of what your wearing some fangirls were    squealing then all of the boys looked at Adam that was beside you all the time (since when your at the platform and going up and heres the vid with the lights on and off if not find mmd one two three)

(choose any of these two for dresses)

(i live this one better and thats how ill look like when i dress up as geno amd dyed my hair white. And i was also laughing since error is a n with red legs and paperjam is...pffft. n too)

After the dance my back faced the audience and i did a cute nya thing like. I turned around with a cute face and did the animal sound and Adam held my hand and we both bowed. The lights went off and we both ran at the back stage finally its over i was abit tired since the belt was tightening while i was dancing it made me difficult to move and breathe but i was glad i changed into my normal clothing but... Cant find the belt of the tail and the head band... I felt something moving at my bottom back i saw the tail... MOVING?! magic ... Great isnt it. I went out and chatted with adam "im glad that your my friend!" freindzone... He hesitated abit and said "yeah me too!" after a while i saw fresh "heya freshie!" "Hey y/n!" i hugged him he blushed and palette was with him "can i get a hug too?" "ofcourse! Your my friend too yaknow." i hugged him. "did you guys enjoyed the show?" they nld their heads and then looked at adam. "who is he?" fresh said with abit of venom in his tone "oh thats my best friend Adam! Were not in a kind of relationship just to cool ya guys down" adam was abit sad that were not into a relation ship. The two sighed in relief "any ways where did you get those ears?!" palette exclaimed "i dont know from magic i guess since it was a toy but then poof real." "ooohh...." i was happy and i decided to hangout with them friend zoning all of the boys when they talked to me. It was abit hilarious but its true i cant or wont have a relationship yet. After that i went home greeting my brother who was happy about my performance and i went to get a shower and got into my pajamas and slept in my bed.
It was an eventful day i guess...

Heya guys fifi here and hope ya all enjoy i have another new book that im going to publish soon its called "my own tale (Fifis story)" based on undertale and im going to add few characters that you may not know since its from miracalous lady bug thing episode i was asked to do it anyways you can also act like me if your gonna read it change fifi into (y/n) if you want so yeah. Cya.


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