Chapter 1 Meating Junkrat

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(ok this is my oc character that I made for overwatch and this is also Herr description. Trashcat age 23 lost both her for arms and left eye replaced them woth mechanical cat paws and a black and yellow siborg eye. Her favorite thing to do is set things in fire and steal things that are cat-like)
OK now to start the story lol

Trashcat's pov: today is my first day in junkertown I'm super excited because I'll finally be around people like me. I've alwase wanted to meat people who wore junkers and know I'm in a whole town of em the only thin is that I'm a bit scared Of what people will thing o,me I've been getting alot of stars and people saying thing but I don't think it's bad. "um excuse me can you tell me where 405 trash st is my new apartment is there" I asked one of the people there"oh ya just a block from here then trun right oh and welcome to. Junkertown" they welcomed me nicely

"Thank you"

after saying I walked into the direction the nice women pointed me to the I finally found it as I was walking up to my room I hurd a loud explosion followed by laughter


I shook it off as just some guy with an obsession for boms but what I didint know is that thay very guy would change my life.

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