Chapter 4 Booms And Fire

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We arived home after the little incident with me and that other junker junkrat took me back to my room and told be to be cefor now on and not to go to the west side inless I really needed to so I didint I said in my room and started thinking.

"what's woth Him being so nice to me  I mean I just moved here I don't even known him that well"

I thought to myself and just shrug it off as he was being a gentleman I got up and was about to hit the hay litterlye my bed was made of hay. I Hurd a loud knock at the Dore o whent to see who it was and to my demise it was roadhog

"oh hay what's u"

before I finished what u was saying he walked into my apartment without even asking it felt like he was about to smash me

"junkrat seems to like you but that shit you pulled yesterday isint going to happen agian stay away from us got it we dint need a lowlife like you getting us into trouble"

he said with anger in his voice i nodded tears welding in my eyes he left and I fell to the ground sobbing i... I thought I finally made some friends crying into my knees till I Hurd another knock this time softer but sounded a bit like mettle against it

"oi cat you alright in there I just say roadhog leve what ever he said don't take it seriously he's just doin his Job as my bodyguard can can I come in"

I got up and slowly opened the door revealing a not hapoy junkrat he was frowning he looked at my face and gasped

"dammit roadhog making another girl cry don't you have any manners"

he scoffed ant I told him to come in

"so what he all. Say to you"

junkrat asked with anger in his voice but a different anger a concerned anger

"he told me to stay out of your lives and that sob t that you didint need a low life like me causing you trouble sob"

I said trying to stay calm
he clenched his fist and hit the table


he yells alomst loud enough for the entire building to hear

"here come with me we are gpingwto talk to that fat pig"

you got alittle scard

"no no what of he kills me"

I said woth worrie in my voice

"oh don't worrie oh doseint kill inless your a threat to him and I won't let him hirt you"

you nodded and continued walking close behind him

"Hay roadhog stop scaring every girl that come to junker town off its not bad to have friends at least this one is nicer then The last"

he opened that Dore and looked straight at me

"h hay I won't leve I came here to get away from people who wanted me dead and... And now another porson wants me dead...."

I started crying again till I felt junk rat hold me into his chest

"look at that roadhog do you like making pretty girls cry at least she hasn't tried killing me for my boms or mony she has been one of the best girls I've met in junkertown don't you dare try scaring her off got it"

he just nodded and walked back into the room

"y you called me pretty"

I said my cheeks alittle pink

"oh um ya sorry about that I don't have a filter sometimes and just say what I think and sorry if I got you dirty hehe"

I smiled at huge him

"Hehe what do you mean look at me I'm juat as dirty as you are silly"

he laughd and patted my head "get going and I'll make shore if roadhog leve I go with so he doseint bother ya agian. After o got back in my room I decided to take a long relaxing bath even tho I realky don't like them that much I nedded to let off some steem

"Sigh this is so nice I really nedded this"

I said out loud I started to think about what rodhog said and started to tear up agian all I wanted was some friends then out of nowhere *junkrat bursts thrugh bathroom door*

"oi trashcat can you do me a.... A... Ahhhhh omg I'm So Sprry love"

he fell over face as red as a tomato

"AHHH OMG Junkrat don't look"

I quickly covered my chest then I Hurd a louder sound

rodhog grabbed me and threw me into the wall.... Still naked

"bitch I thought I told you to leve us alone"

I stood up anger in my eyes


tears stared to stream down my face out of anger and sadness

"all I wanted was somewhere to fit in and make friends but your making that fucking hard all my life I've been hated all because I'm a junker finally I came here and though I could finally fit in some where but no sob your making it as if I NEVER EVEN CAME HERE HOW HORRIBLE CAN YOU BE!"

I screem punchihg his stomic nit dping anything in till he gamed both my arms and huge me

"I... I'm Sorry I didint know all the other girls that came here only wanted to steal from us but I can see kniw that your different you kind and just want friends and Shit I forgot you had no Close on"

*Grabs blanket raps it around her*

he look away obviously blushing out of embarrassement

"he he thank you for finally understanding"

I wiped my face with the blanket

"know can you guys leve so I can get dressed" rodhog left junkrat came up to me and kissed my cheek

"I'm Sorry about running in on ya I didint see anything I hade my eyes closed"

then he left I decided to put in my favorite camo shorts and green crop top woth my flammable liquid and liter belt walking out looking at them both well what's next

"Ohh Ohh I've got an idea"

junkrat exclaimed

"we Could go torch and boom the west side of town so no one will ever kidnap anyone like you agian"

he said I smiled with a crazed look in my eye

"HAHAHHAH sounds like a plan to me".

Omg over 1000 words I didint think I could do it I really hope you guys are liking it I'm gonna try to remember to upload ok thank you my beautiful bombs

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