Chapter 17 King Jamison Fawkes The 1st Pt 2

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Trashcat's pov
It's been a few weeks since me and Jamie became king and queen of junkertown roadhog showed up and became our knight well kinda.
It's nice everyone dose what we say

"heh wow back in junkertown my dream of being an overwatch agent has been smashed because I'm Know a queen"

I said out loud laying on the roof of one of the buildings in town

"that's right Sheila and I'm the king and we will roll forever Hehehe"

Junkrat said yet again in a mantic tone I giggled alittle he could be so funny sometimes even if he wasn't trying to

"Sigh I love you crazy man"

I Sighed looking over to him he looked akword standing there stiff as a bored with his hand behind his back

"Ummm what'cha got there Jamie"

I asked in a confused tone staring at him

"oh um..... Well it's been what like a year and it seams you are my perfect shelia I Couldn't wish for anyone anymore perfect then you Catherine. well will you do me the honor of being my partner in crime for the rest if your life of more specific will ya marry me love "

I covered my mouth Surprise seeing the beautiful golden ring with a ruby stone I felt tears welding up in my eyes i Shook my head Yess so many times he jumped up in the air

" yahoooo Roadie was right you did say yes oh God I love you so much kitty "

Junkrat said lifting me up and spinning me around to end it with a passionate kiss. He put me down still holding me against his chest placing a kiss on my forehead he then picked me up bridal style jumping off the roof on to his foot and peg leg

" let's go tell roadie he will be happy I just know it"

About an hour after walking we get back home and see hog waiting for us there he looked up at me then got up and ran up to me

"Kat where the hell have you two been I've been worried sick"

He said with worry in his voice we both smiles and laughed

"hog where fine we wore just lying on one of the buildings looking at the clouds but we have awesome news"

After saying I showed him the ring Jamie got me and he new right away what it was his worry changed to happiness.

"see Jamie I told you she would say yes well congrats you two you are the perfect couple I don't think I have ever meat anyone more perfect for him. Then you"

I smiled holding junkrats hand I felt him lightly squeeze mine I did the same I then went to the loud speaker to announce our engagement and told all of junkertown they wore invited to the wedding ceremony.

"well I think it's been a good day what do you two think"

Junkrat said looking at me and hog we both just nodded in response smiling well I was I don't know if hog was but I'm Sure he hade a big smile two  

"well I think it's about time we start playing for the wedding am I right I'm Gonna have to go snag myself a gorgeous wedding gown"

I said as I started walking heading twords the gated of junker town to find a good Place for a dress.

"wait do ya want me to Come with ya or hog to come so ya dint get yourself lost or somethin"

I Thought about it and said

"I'll bring hog because you Can't see the dress until the wedding"

He pouted and crossed his arms wail hog walked up beside me

"we will be back soon ok make shire no to blow up the whole town ok jamieson"

Roadhog said as we left junkrat all Buy himself to watch junkertown.

Well sorry for the late update I've been trying to find a job and forgot to finnish this chapter still Hope You guys are living it as much as I love writing it. Well till the next one my beautiful bombs

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