Meating Junkrat Pt2

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I was lying in bed thinking about the explosion of Hurd and wondering what the guy lookd like so I decided tomorrow I'll go to his room and introduce myself I mean what could go wrong (time skip next morning)

"yawhn man that was a weord dream well time to do what i said"

I put in my shorts and favorite dirty crop top with my flammable formula and lighter belt then walked out of the room.

"ok now if I can remember I Hurd the boom from the second floor so it must b"
I was intruped buy yelling


then I decided to knock *knock knock knock* I wate for a minute then the Dore flys open to release a dirty guy with blond hair the tips on fire woth a big tire on his back and booms started to his shoulders a peg leg and macanicle arm like mine but not cat like

"um ya who are you and what d'ya want"

"um in trashcat I just moved here and just wanted to say hi"

he gave me this really weird look then started laughing out of no where


I couldn't help but laugh he was funny and nice

"Hehe thank you so do you need some help cooking I over Hurd the conversation sorry"

.......there was a long pause then

"r-really you'd do that even tho we just meet"

well shure I like helping people especially people who have the same taste in fashion as me

" he grind brightly and let me in to his apartment it was bigger then I thought messy but nice

" so what do you guys want?"

roadhog didint say anything junkrat said

"d'ya you could make some scrambled eggs pleas"

I Nod and get out the eggs

"you guys are going to have the best eggs ever I promise"

after I finish I gave junkrat and rodhog there eggs.

Junkrat's pov
The frist bite I took of them eggs made me want to jump up and the air a screem how awesome they are but I just sat down and ate then trying not to scare her I didint think I would but I was just being careful. She looks cool I really like her macanicnal cat paws and her eye I never met anyone like her I couldint wate to be her friend

"Hay roadie I don't rember is there any other young girls in junkertown or is she the only one?"

I asked rodhog not knowing if there was any

"No she's the only one"

he answered me with a shake of his head

"Oooh ok so guess that means your the only young girl here well other then the queen but I mean like only female junker around our age...How old are you anyway"

i asked Curiosity wanting to know she did look like she was over 17 she was really dirty covers and charcoal and smok

"oh im 23 you?"

she asked
"oh me I'm 25 so what brings you here to junkertown"

I wonderd

"well to be honest I'd rather not keep running from people trying to kill me for setting there things on fire so I looked up junkertown and came here and haha I'm Finally with my own people"

she said smileing I laughed a little because she's alot like me well in the way that she liked damaging things and trash

"Haha well that's good and your gonna do just fine here beleve me if you met me and like me so far then we are gping to get along just fine"

she smiles and asked"how are the eggs do you like them

my eyes lit up because I wanted to tell her they wore awesome

"yes ther the best eggs I've ever had you wornt lying when you said you eggs wore the best"

she giggled it was cute being she was the only young girl in junkertown witch was kainda nice but I just hope No one is rude to her

"well I better get going I. Need to look around to fine where everything is" she stated "

"ok well see you later then"

I waved good buy and with that she left.

Trashcat's pov
He was nice and kainda cool his friend was alittle scary tho I wonder why he wore the mask heh oh well I need to get a look around this place anyway

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