Chapter 16 King Jamison Fawkes The 1st

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Junkrat's pov
I woke up to Soldier standing at cat's bed looking really arngy cat was still sleeping curled up in my arms

"you two over slept and missed training but I have the perfect punishment for that a mission that I was going to out reaper and Sombra on but because you two wornt at Training this morning. I will put you to on the task got it"

He said sternly I just shook my head yes he was very intimidating even tho I was much taller he had that personality that could just make you shiver

"Hummm rat what's going on"

Trashcat mumble in a sleepy voice

"oh and put,Some close on that girl when she sleeps next to you it's indecent to sleep next to someone who is practical naked"

Soldier said looking at cat who was just in her bra and panties I quickly covered her glaring on soldier


I yells in an arngy tone for him looking at her he left with a sigh we got dressed and walked out to meat him so we could go on that mission he needed to tell us where it was first

"oi mate where is this dam mission at anyways"

I said with a huff he took his mask of smirking and said

"it's in junkertown you task is to kill the queen she sent some of her guards put to try and take down overwatch and we need her gone is that to hard for ya dirt people to handle"

He said with a snear in his voice as of trying to git rid of us

"Haha really that's child's play hitting rid of the queen is gonna be a pice of cake because I know exactly how to do it"

Cat said with a giggle raping herself around me then kissing my ear whispering something I didn't quite catch

"Ugh what ever you people gross me out don't you know what a shower is called"

Soldier huffed walking off saying one final thing

"just don't get your selves killed out there and you can stay there for all I Care we just need The queen gone"

And with that he was gone I looked at trashcat and shrugged grabbing her hand walking towards the exit

"well my little kitty it's time to kill the big bitch Hehehe"

I sang pulling her along with me till I was stopped buy her pulling back

"wate Jamie what if some goes wrong like what of she kills us"

I pulled her in for a hug running my finger thew her sand blond hair kissing her forehead softly calming her down some

"don't worry kitten it will be fine im here to protect you nothing will hurt you as long as I'm around"

I cood softly making her tiny Frame hug into me I never realized how short she was until know what like 4'7 dam it was super cute

"well what are we waiting for let's go. Kill that just dumb bitch"

I said running out if the overwatch hq

Trashcat's pov
After leaving overwatch it didn't take long for us to arrive at Australia we took a moder cycle junkrat when like 90 miles an hour I didn't even know they could go that fast

(to be honest I dint know how fast they can go so...ya)

Once in we started trying to find a way Inti junkertown with out being spotted the I noticed a small hole opening in the Door I pointed to it it looked just big enough for us to fit through. Once in I had Jamie follow me I new all the short cuts there

(just another thing wall she moved to. Junker town she explored a lot so don't get confused lol)

We Camped at a spot right above the queens throne I looked down and there she was sitting there like she had the hole world on her hands

"ok we will jump down at the couch. T of three...1...2...3!"

We both jumped down in Front if her throwing bomb and shooting flames at her she was startled and panicd trying to doge then but failed when one of the bombs when off in her face blowing her head up as if someone shot a watermelon with a shot gun

*kaboom* it when the queen was dead we both looked at each other then birsd out laughing guards came running in seeing what had happened io turned to them a laughs menacingly

"well well I wonder who will be queen know or king"

I said looking to junkrat who had the happiest smile on his face

"oh I think you and I will make the perfect king and queen don't you my little kitten"

He said sitting in the throne patting his lap for me to join witch I gladly did soon after a few guards came up in front of us giving is things like mettle shoulder pads and different types of armer and weapons witch I took Jamie just took some things that had happy faces on them and some stuff to make bombs with. I then looked the  button that I believe was hooked up to the loud speakers all through junkertown I prest the button and began to talk

" attention to all the people of junkertown take down all wanted photos of junkrat rodhog trashcat because I trashcat am Know your queen junkrat is your king is if you see rodhog pass through send him up to be named Duke mako of junkertown. You may all go back to what you wore doing "

After saying I say down looking at Jamie feeling like I was meant to sit in that throne

" you know junky I really think k we are going to make a wonderful king and queen "

I said giving junkrat a kiss on the cheek


he yelld in an almost manic voice God I loved everything about this crazy guy.

Well that's all for know my lively bombs hope you enjoyd this chapter

Rats Love Cats Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora