Chapter 6 Hart Throb

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Rodhog's pov

I finally found him I never got his name but I dint need to all I need is ti see his face and he's a dead man

"where the hell are you basterd"

I said out loud then felt someone hit my back with a blunt object obviously not hurting me

" gonna kill you like I did you fucking famlehekk"

I stoped him from talking when I grabbed his throat lifting him up then snapping his neck woth eas nit even giving him any time to relize what was going on

"Sigh know time to get back to Jamie and cat"

I said to myself heading back to junkertown wondering if the apartment was still in one piece

"heh u winder if the room is on fire I guess Ill Find out when I get there"

Junkrat's pov

Cat had gone to the bathroom she's been in there for a bit of time know o shure hope she's alright I got up and walked over to the Dore

*knock knock*

"Hay cat are you alright in there its ben awhile did ya fall in the toilet hehe"

I said waiting for an ancer

"oh ya oi am Ok just thinking that's all I im Comming out know"

She opened the door looking at me face red looking like she was about to pass out


I asked her soon after saying she passed out oi cough her just in time to make shure she didint get hurt falling

"h hay what wrong are you alright cat talk to me!?"

I was worried about her why is she all the sudden so warm did I get her sick or something shit what do I do dam only of rodhog was here he would know what to do

"shit shit SHIT TRASHCAT SAY Something!"

She was out cold and burning up dammit I dint know what to do im No healer

Trashcat's pov

I opened the Dore not feeling well at all my head hurt my vision started to blur the everyday whent black what was happening I could not talk Nore could I move

"junkrat junkrat JUNKRAT!

I tried screaming out but nothing  happend dammit what's wrong with me why can't I move why is this happening so many questions are running through my head all at once...... Then all of the sudden my eyes opened I was lieing in junkrats bed I sat up and looked iver to see him crying

"sob cat pleas be ok I wished I new what to do pleas wake up"

I put my hand in his shoulder getting his attention

"Hay im ok I thing my head doseint huir"

Before I could finish what i was saying he huged be like i just came out of a coma holding me tight as if I was going to disappear in seconds

"h...hay I'm OK I just got to warn I'm OK don't worrie"

I said holding him As he cried into my shoulder he raped his arms around my wast then mumbed something in my ear

*wispers* "oi love you"

"what what did you say I didint  here that"

I said with a curious tone in my voice

"Heh it its nothing don't worrie bout it oim just happy your ok"

He said kissing your cheek ruffling your hair messing it up

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