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From Shane

Hey thanks again for letting me crash on your couch last night.

To Shane

What are friends for?

To Shane

Also you asked to use my bathroom and then

passed out on my couch so...

From Shane

I never do shit like that so I apologize

From Shane

Plus your pillows were really soft so I don't regret it

To Shane

Well you weren't the one who had to help 

you up four flights of stairs

From Shane

But you didn't leave me on the side of the street

so that must mean something

To Shane

I wouldn't look too much into it

To Shane

So what are you up to today?

To Shane

Besides nursing a hangover

From Shane

I have another date actually

To Shane

Same girl?

From Shane


From Shane

She's nice

From Shane

Has nice hair

To Shane



To Shane

I gotta go now, good luck, talk soon

Text Me Back 👻 Shane MadejWhere stories live. Discover now