Thirty Three

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To Ryan

Hey Ryan...

From Ryan

What do you want Emma?

To Ryan

I think I'm in trouble.

From Ryan

What did you do this time?

To Ryan

Okay so me and Shane and just chilling on the couch watching a movie and then I was kinda half asleep but not really and Shane whispered that he loved me and I don't know if he meant for me to hear it or what but I just pretended that I was still sleeping and now I'm freaking out!

From Ryan

Okay slow down, how is this a problem?

To Ryan

It just is!

To Ryan

Like how do I bring this up to him? What if he didn't mean it?

From Ryan

I think you're overreacting a little bit

To Ryan

I know! It's what I do!!

From Ryan

But you love him too right?

To Ryan

I'm pretty sure yeah.

From Ryan

Then I don't see a problem. Just tell him and he'll tell you and everything will be fine again.

From Ryan

The problem is solved. 

From Ryan


To Ryan


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