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To Shane

Hey I know that I should be calling you or 

talking to you about this face to face but I'm

like really shy and awkward and often say

what I really mean when I text it

From Shane


From Shane

Is everything alright? Are you okay?

To Shane

But first how are you?

You doing good?

From Shane

Yeah I'm good

From Shane

You going to tell me what's up with you?

To Shane

Do you remember a couple of weeks ago when 

you asked me if I wanted to be more than friends 

and kinda said no?

From Shane

Yeah, bad memory for me. 

Why are you brining this up now?

To Shane

I think I've changed my mind.

From Shane

You think or do you know?

To Shane

I know.

From Shane

Right okay. Interesting.

To Shane

Is that all you have to say?

From Shane

It's just a lot to process you know.

To Shane

I know this sucks. Me totally changing my mind.

To Shane

So I'd understand if you need time to maybe think.

From Shane

Yeah I think that'd be best.

To Shane

Okay just don't take too much time. Cause I'd die not

talking to you for long.

To Shane

Just whatever happens, whatever conclusion you come to 

I just want you to know that I really do like talking to you.

And I hope that no matter what, that doesn't change.

From Shane

Me too

From Shane

Goodnight Emma.

Text Me Back 👻 Shane MadejWhere stories live. Discover now