Twenty Seven

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From Shane

Did you like the new episode??? 

To Shane

I haven't watched it yet lol

To Shane

No spoilers

From Shane

It's a 100 year old murder case how can I spoil it?

To Shane

You'd find a way.

To Shane

You can still make it for dinner tonight right?

To Shane

I make a mean stir fry

From Shane

I don't want my food insulting me and calling me names

To Shane


From Shane 


From Shane

I am looking forward to you cooking for me

From Shane

Hope you don't poison me ha

To Shane


From Shane

You're not planning to kill me 

through noodles are you Emma? 

From Shane

Please say no.

To Shane

Let it be a mystery. 

Text Me Back 👻 Shane MadejWhere stories live. Discover now