First day

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Jungkook's P.O.V. 

It's my first day of school, I got to try to make some friends or my parents will me move schools again. They don't even give me a chance to make friends, they just give me one day. It sucks, I hate how my parents act. Of course I could just tell them I made friends, but last time I did that they literally had me describe them from head to toe. So this time I will make at least one friend and take a picture of them so my parents can just see them. I can also Invite them over, so then my parents won't think I just found a picture online and do it that way. 

Well this just made it a harder day at school. I have to make a friend, get there number so I can text them, and see if they wanna hang with me. Who is gonna wanna hang with the new kid this much. Well to my calculations no one will because the past ten schools I have been to, everyone ignored me, acted like I wasn't there and bullied me. Seriously there is something wrong with people these days. Like I am aware there are groups of people that only some can hang out with, but come on, just be nice and let me join so I don't have to keep switching schools. I don't think they wanna be my friend the first day I get there because they don't know me, but they also don't know that if I don't make friends that day, they will never see me again to have a chance to hang out with me or to get to know me. 

"Well here we are." My mom said as she pulled up to the new school I was going to attend.

"Thank you" I said as I closed the door and walked up to the school doors. I know that she probably didn't here me, so before she left out of the parking lot I waved to her so she would know I would be fine. 

I started to walk up to the door when someone ran into me.

"Oh my god, are you okay. I'm so sorry, I was just trying to get to class before the bell rang, I hate being late." A guy with faded pink hair said

"It's okay." I said 

"Why have I never seen you here before?" He asked 

"Oh I'm new here." I said 

"What's your name?" He asked 

"My name is Jeongguk Jungkook, but you can call me Kookie." I said 

"Well hello Jungkook, my name is Park Jimin. Hello to the school, it's very nice to meet you. I can show you around the school, I just have to tell the office so they can excuse me and you from class. So you can either come into the office with me or you can uh wait out here in the hall for me." Jimin said 

"I'll come into the office with you so they don't think your lying, not saying they will. But I just want to prevent you from getting in trouble." I said 

"Okay, the office is right here." He said gesturing me to go in first.

"Thanks" I said. 

We went into the principle's office, and Jimin was talking to the principle. He told him everything, and the principle understood. He wrote us passes and Jimin started showing me around. Once we got into the hallway with all the classes, Jimin started talking about what classes are what. 

"This is the art room, where most of the kids hang out at and do art of course. You can come in after or before school to work on art for class projects or just because you want to."  Jimin says as we look in the classroom. "There's no one in there do you wanna check it out." 

"Sure" I said 

We walked in the art room and Jimin walked over to the teachers desk, and turned on the light. The sight was beautiful, and all the art was amazing. Jimin walked past me and walked up to one art piece and pointed it out to me. 

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