Cutie Pt. 2

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

I quietly got off the bed making sure not to wake Jonghyun up from his sound sleep. Once I managed to stand up, I turned to see my beautiful husband and my lovely unborn little boy 

I gave Tae a quick kiss before I went down the stairs to go talk to the twins. I ran down the stairs and heard the twins fighting, but before I got fully down the stairs they saw me and they quickly stopped fighting and played very nicely together.

"Chin-mae and Hei Ryung get your butts sitting on the floor right infront of that couch!" I said while making my way over to sit on the couch right in front of them. 

"Okay, Appa" They said together

"What did I tell you about fighting with each other? Especially since Eomma is pregnant right now and he can't have that stress on him, right?" I said 

" I don't want Eomma to be hurt because of us..." Chin-mae said 

"Neither do I..." Hei Ryung said 

"It's not only Eomma that would be getting hurt, because when you stress Eomma out like that it could hurt Minwoo as well." I told them

"No, Hei Hei we can't fight anymore okay? Because I don't want Minwoo or Eomma to get hurt, because I love them and I don't want to have someone I love get hurt..." Chin-mae said starting to cry

"It's okay Chin Chin don't cry! I will never fight with you again, because I don't want to hurt Eomma or Minwoo either." Hei Ryung said

"Okay both of you need listen to me" I said

"Ok" they said in unison

" Both of you need to clean up your mess, then once that's done. Hei Hei you need to get ready for your swim and gymnastics class, and Chin you need to get ready for your dance and music arts class, okay? " I asked

"Okay" They said "But why aren't you getting our stuff ready?"

"I have to get ready, make sure Eomma is getting ready, and I also have to get Jonghyun ready for his swim lessons" I said 

"Okay" They said 

I went up the stairs to make sure Tae was getting ready to go with Hei Hei to her class. When I made it to the top of the stairs Tae was in our room struggling to get the shirt over his belly, so I walked in there and helped him. Then Tae went downstairs to make sure the kids were doing what they were told to do. While he was doing that I was waking up the so sleepy Jonghyun to make sure he wouldn't be late to his class but he wasn't budging. Once I finally gut him awake i had him go down stairs to find Eomma. I packed Jonghyuns bag and went down stairs. When I got down there, Tae had all the kids ready to go and had everyone ready to get out the door.

 When I got down there, Tae had all the kids ready to go and had everyone ready to get out the door

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This is what Chin-mae looks like today!!!!!!

Here is what Hei Ryung looks like today!!!!!!

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Here is what Hei Ryung looks like today!!!!!!

And today my little Jonghyun looks so cute!!!!!!!!

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And today my little Jonghyun looks so cute!!!!!!!!


Time Skip* Were at Chin-mae's dance studio 

We walked into Chin-mae's dance studio and saw the couple that no one wants to see ever. Let me tell you, they are some of the most stuck up parents you will ever meet. They think there kids are better than anyone in this place. They actually told that to Chin-mae once, they made him cry when they told him that. I felt so bad for him, like you're 28 years old and you're going to tell my 7 year old that your kids are better that him. What the heck...

(A/N by the way this is all a joke these people are very nice in the real world and they would never tell a kid that so yeah.)

These are the stuck up parents...

These are the stuck up parents

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And these are their children...

Triple Threat: Heochan, Dongchan, and Byungchan

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Triple Threat: Heochan, Dongchan, and Byungchan

Triple Threat: Heochan, Dongchan, and Byungchan

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Double Trouble: Eunyoung and Inyoung 

Last but not least you have Princess: aka Jiwoo 

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Last but not least you have Princess: aka Jiwoo 

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