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Tae's P.O.V.

Why is this class so boring? I asked myself, all I wanted to do was sleep, and feel like I am loved. I sat in my Social Studies class, waiting for the bell to finally ring so I could leave and go to the art room. That's all I wanted to do at this exact moment, was paint and let all my feelings out.

So I'm in this class, looking at the board, and pretending to pay attention. I have this class with the new guy Jungkook, he seems to be actually liking this class, he takes notes and he is a pretty great partner. He sits right next to me, so whenever we work in our partner groups, I just tell him that I don't understand the topic, and he will explain everything very well, and give me the answers.

"Time to work in your groups." The teacher said being overdramatic about it as usual. I grabbed the paper I had wrote a few notes on, when I wasn't spacing off. I turned to look at Jungkook realizing he was already waiting for me to be ready.

"So what did you get?" Jungkook asked me in a sweet innocent voice

"Yeah, I still don't understand. I did what you told me to do, but while I was writing she was talking way to fast and I couldn't write it all down." I said

"Tae, you don't have to lie to me. I know you hate this class, I can tell. You never get your work done, your always spacing off, and you literally look like you haven't slept in days." Jungkook told me looking a little worried

"Sorry, I just wanna get out of this class so I can go to the art room. I don't know if anyone told you this, but I am a huge fan of art, especially when I can just be alone, or even with only one other person, and I can either draw a portrait of the person I'm with, or I can paint whatever comes to my mind. I hate having to be stuck in a loud space, with a hole bunch of pabos and only looking at one thing the whole time. I like being in a quiet room, with color and creativity. In an art room, there are no limits, you can do whatever." I said

"Ok I will make you a deal, okay?" Jungkook said

"What's the deal?" I asked

"You come to my house everyday after school, and will help you with this class. And any other class you need help with ok?" Jungkook questioned

"Yeah of course, but what is in it for you? Like I get good grades but what do you get?" I asked

" One simple thing. Everyday before our class starts I will meet you in the art room. You will have to draw a portrait of me, so I can hang it in my room." Jungkook stated

"Sounds like a deal."I said

"Ok after school, you can just walk with me to my house if you want so you don't have to go home, and then come all the way back to my house." Jungkook said

Time skip 2 hours later

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Finally the school day was over that was probably the longest school day of my life. I met up with Tae by the schools front door, and we left the school together.

"So where do you live?" Tae asked

"I don't know the exact address, but I know which house is mine, cause it stands out. My parents won't be home though tell like 9:00 is that okay?" I asked

"Yeah, that's fine." Tae said with his perfect smile

"Yeah, well now you know why I asked you to walk with me instead of me giving you my address." I said

"Haha, the funny thing is, is that when I moved here I didn't get my address memorised until like after living in it for a good 3 months." Tae said

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