Authors Note

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 Honestly I am so sorry for not being as active as I said I was going to be... I always say something like that, and never follow what I said I was going to do. I have been really stressed with all my school stuff, being in 10th grade is kinda hard. Also things with my family and getting a lot worse, because my uncle is never going to get better. So yeah, right now haven't been the most active person on Wattpad, but that is okay sometimes. I hope you guys understand, and I hope I can start updating way more then I have these last couple of months. 

On a total different note: Guys I have ran dry out of ideas, I don't have a clue where the heck I am going with this book. I seem to get this really good idea, but then I go to write it down and all the sudden it will disappear from my mind. So if any of you have some ideas that you could suggest to me that would be amazing, I will give you 100% credit for the idea and even give you a shout out. So please help me figure out what to do with this book, or even how to end it, because I suck at ending books, thats why none of my books are finished...

- Lacey UWU

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