part 1 chp 3; LOVE

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Love is unconditional. Love will be there until the very end. Love will support you, guide you, and nourish you. Love will take care of all your needs.

Love will do this until the day it dies.
So if you have love, cherish it. Take advantage of all the benefits of it. You want to absolutely enjoy every moment with love as much as you can,

because once love is gone, love is very difficult to find once again.

Love comes once in a blue moon. So if you have found a love,

HOPE that it stays and never lets you go. Have
FAITH in the fact that love will catch you whenever you fall, but most importantly, make LOVE appreciate you and the things that you do for love.


The school year was coming to an end; me and Love were bound to part ways when high school joined the picture. Sure, I was upset, but I couldn't deny that tiny bit of happiness that came upon me when I realized that this would be my chance to finally get over Love, and move on to someone who I actually had a chance with.

*The day after graduation, our classmate throws a party*

"I can't believe we're actually going to high school..." he says to me, as we both sit on the couch.

"I's almost like yesterday we were both just in kindergarten, singing nursery rhymes!"

Love starts to put his legs on top of mine and peeps at what I'm doing on my iPod.

"Who you texting?" he asks, followed by a smirk

"Not texting; writing." I answer seriously as I turn my iPod away from him.

I was writing out my true, and genuine feelings. The feelings that I had for Love. I know the timing wasn't perfect since he was sitting right beside me, but it was what it was.

As the night went on, we watched some movies, one of which, turned out to be a horror movie.

Me being the introverted flirty type I am, I recorded my reactions to the movie, as well as Love's cause he was sitting right beside me.

The way he looked into my iPod camera when I said "smile!" really caught me off guard.

I had realized that this was probably going to be the last time I get to spend time with him for a while. This immediately pushed me to want to cherish the time I was spending with him.

The way he tried hiding behind my shoulder when a pop up was coming. The way he wrapped his arms around me when he was feeling scared. The way he looked as I stared at him...

"How do I let go of the most precious person that has ever walked into my life?" I thought to myself...

I wasn't ready to let go. I didn't know how to cope. I was scared for myself.

As the night went on, it started to get late, and people needed to go home. As Love was saying his goodbyes to everyone there, I was freaking out thinking "what do I say? what do I do?"

When Love had gotten to me, I was sitting on the couch and he was standing. He put out his hand. An indication that he wanted to "dap" me (handshake). What I did next was something that I had felt like I did on impulse, rather than thinking about doing it.

I got up from the couch, and immediately my arms reached for him...

Next thing you know, my arms are wrapped around him, giving him the tightest, warmest, closest hug I had ever given anyone.

He hugged me back without hesitation.

In that moment in time, I knew that I really wasn't ready to let go, but I knew that I had to.

I knew that it was Love's time to continue living his life, oblivious to the fact that I was in love with him this entire time.

As for me, I knew it was my time to spread my wings and fly. To fly on to new things. To experience new things in life and to ultimately move on, for the better.

Love was someone that was always going to have a special place in my heart. He was someone I was never going to forget. I mean, how could you ever really forget about your first love?

I thank Love for everything he gave me, without even knowing it. The happiness he gave me was something I didn't ask for, yet still received. I will forever be thankful for him.

Even though this was over 4 years ago, and me and Love don't keep in touch anymore, I hope nothing but the absolute best for him in the future. I know he has a good life ahead of him, and I hope and pray that whoever he learns to love, will love him back just as much.

-Love, Mo.


Sometimes we have to accept the fact that not everything and not everyone stays. Everyone has their time. Including love.

As much as we want love to be around forever, love always has its time. Love will always learn to move on, yet still latch on to a part of the past.

You may not like that, but neither does love. I guess it's just all that time that you spent loving someone became so real, for so long, that part of that love will always stick to you. No matter what.

The reality of love is that it is endless. Regardless of whether you love or have loved, the love that was once shared will always be apart of those people. Nothing can change that.

Love has taught me that it is okay to rely on others sometimes, and it's also okay to only count on yourself.

Love has taught me to not expect too much, because the more you expect, the more you'll be disappointed.

Love has taught me that it is the strongest feeling. It is a feeling that cannot be replaced in the same way as it once was before.

Love was everything and nothing that I expected it to be. Love has shaped me into the person that I am today, and for that, I thank love for the many lessons & blessings it has brought me. Even with all the sadness and pain that it brought along with it, love has overall changed my life in a way that makes me a better person.

That's all for love.

Until next time,

Love fades away...

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