Chapter 2: Work in Progress

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The life of a mechanic never grows boring. Everyday is a new problem just itching to be fixed. Every broken bits of scrap metal longing to be repaired. Like offroading. Animals build their cars to withstand the toughest terrain. They go out, brake their car, find out what went wrong and repair it to be better than last time. Its a non stop ride of improvement.

Skye's work, for example, spoke for itself. She had a gift. A calling for the art of mechanics. Oil ran with her blood, gasoline dripped with her sweat. She had been practicing the art ever since she was little, and now her talents had gained her one of the most respected jobs anywhere in the world; and working as a special agent has only expanded her gift. And this next masterpiece of hers will hopefully be a massive payoff.

The day started off as usual. A casual stroll through the entrance doors up to the elevators. A press of a couple of buttons and a quiet trip up to her floor. Skye looked down at her sterling silver briefcase. She gave a small smirk for the surprise she had for her little tough bunny. Her ear twitched at the sound of the 'ding' as she arrived to her floor. The vixen stepped out of the elevator and made her way down the hall to her jackrabbit's room.

Skye opened the door and stepped inside as she called out. "Jack!"

There was no response. Just the sound of grunting. She walked deeper into the room and saw Jack, not in the bed, but on the floor, doing one pawed push-ups. He had earbuds in. Skye crossed her arms in disbelief and tapped her foot on the tile until he noticed. Finally, Jack looked up to see his fiancée scowling at him. He took his earbuds out as he stood.

"Are you ever gonna do what I ask of you?" Skye huffed.

"I don't remember you being my superior, Mrs. Cottontail." He swiftly replied. "I did rest. I just got tired of it."

"When are you going to realize we don't always have to be ready for a freaking war?" Her tail began to wag, but not in joy, but rather in annoyance. Her tail tended to do that when she was angry.

"Because here's the way I see it, Winter. Here I'm standing, and next to me is a big pile of shit. And when that shit hits the fan, I wanna make sure I'm not in the way of it."

Skye paused. She inhaled, held it there... and then exhaled with a smile. "Okay then, Jackie. That's the way you see it..." Jack's eyes slightly widened. He knew what was coming. She was on the verge. "You wanna know the way I see it?" She asked. But before he could answer, she wrapped her paw around his bandages and gave a squeeze. Jack winced and grunted in agony, but could do nothing to stop her. "The way I see it is that you have a goddamn paw missing, and unless you want to cause permanent nerve damage to what is now going to be a nub, then you'll sit your ass in that bed and rest until it is healed like you're supposed to be doing..." She squeezed harder and Jack grunted even louder.

"Alright, alright..." Jack said behind gritted teeth as he crawled back into his bed. At that moment, Skye gave a wide, happy smile and let go. She took the same paw and rubbed his head.

"Thank you, Jackie."

Jack never knew what it was about her. The fact that she can make him squeal in pain when nobody else can. The fact that she is even crazier than him when she wants to be; and even better... the fact that he loved the crazy about her.

"Now then, let's get down to why I'm visiting." Skye said as she patted the briefcase. She cleared some space on the desk and placed it down. She placed her thumb on the little black spot in the corner of the case. There was a green light, a beep, and then the sound of the case unlocking.

Jack reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, followed by two glasses and poured Skye and himself a couple of drinks. The morphine pumping into his forearm wasn't working fast enough to ease the pulsing of his nub. So maybe a quick third would.

"Now keep in mind, Jack. This is only a prototype right now, but..." Skye said as she opened the case and reached inside.

Jack threw back the whiskey without making a single face. He looked back to see what she had. While Jack's face always stayed in this emotionless look, what she had got him to lift his eyebrows and open his lids a bit more than usual.

Skye pulled out a metal paw. The metal glistened brilliantly under the bright fluorescent lights above them. It was the perfect size for Jack. "I'm sure you'll like." Skye had a small grin on her face at the sight of his reaction.

The fox walked over and gently picked up Jack's arm. She carefully slid the paw over his nub and fastened it down. It was a perfect fit. She smiled bigger. "Great. You'll be able to use it with some neuro-sensors until you're completely healed up. Then we can go through all the surgery crap. Do you like it?" She asked as she hooked up a couple of sensors to his arm and turned it on. Jack was silent, and still had his expressionless look on. He gave the device a test run, and with ease, moved all of the fingers, made a fist, and rotated his wrist.

There was a moment of silence. Skye grew a little worried at that point. Then, out of nowhere, Jack took his new paw and grabbed Skye behind her head. The jackrabbit pulled her close and gave her a kiss. Skye made a shocked and muffled sound, but then closed her eyes as the kiss grew into a full on make-out session.

Jack pulled back for a second for Skye to catch her breath. Finally, he gave a tiny grin. "I love it, but not as much as I love you." Jack cooed as she rubbed her cheek with his new thumb. It felt weird for him. To be touching her, but not feeling the slightest thing.

"You love me, huh, Jackie? Well, I don't know if you're lying or not. Time for a little... interrogation." Skye pushed back his paw for a second as she went to the door. The fox gave a mischievous smirk as she shut the door and secured the dead bolt. She came back with her hips swinging as she unbuttoned her blouse.


A long, pleasing, and best of all, undisturbed thirty minutes later, the door unlocked. Out stepped Skye, with a satisfied grin on her face. She hummed a little improvised tune as she skipped down the hall. A nurse walked around her and into Jack's room. The antelope placed a tray of food down as she greeted the jackrabbit.

"Hello there, Mr. Savage? How are you feeling?" She said in that cookie cutter of a caring voice.

He did not respond. The nurse looked at him puzzled, and took notice of a few things. He was sitting awkward and uncomfortably. He was breathing deeply, and had a couple of droplets of sweat running down the side of his head. All that was running through his mind were steamy burlesque fantasies of that arctic fox, as well as one simple phrase.

'I underestimated her...'

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