Chapter 8: Assessing the Situation Part 2

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The day carried on just as any other does. The days don't change. None are better or worse then the last. It has no control on how it goes. It is how we make the day that can either make it one that is wonderful, or one that is insufferable. And Jack was damn sure he wanted to make this day quite possibly one of the best of his life.

"Jack? Can you please tell me where we are going now?" Skye begged while sitting anxiously in the passenger seat.

"You'll see soon enough." He simply replied.

"Well, can I at least take off the blindfold?"


It wasn't even an actual blindfold. It was just his tie around her eyes. Although he did somehow miss seeing those lovely blue eyes, even though it was only about twenty minutes, he knew he wanted what he had planned to be a complete surprise for his vixen. Considering some of the street signs were a dead giveaway to his plan, he had to make sure she didn't get to look at anything. With all the sharp and unexpected turns, Skye's claws began to dig into the leather of the armrests.

The car finally stopped for good when she heard the turning of the keys and the engine dying out. Jack unbuckled his seatbelt and opened his door. "Just sit there. I'll come around and get the door for you."

The door slammed. Sky gave a chuckle. Always trying to be a gentle mammal, she thought. Her mind began to question what that mischievous jackrabbit could have planned. What kind of surprise he had set up for her, and more importantly, what the purpose of the blindfold was. She figured she would get her answer soon enough, but soon enough needed to happen now. The anticipation and curiosity was driving her insane. She wondered if this is how it was like for all blind mammals to live everyday.

The door opened, and since her paw was still against the armrest, the vixen began to fall, but quickly flinched and moved back in her seat. "Jeez, Jack." She muttered as she felt for the buckle.

She carefully stepped out of the car with the help of her rabbit. Her feet were uneasy on the ground as she regained her balance.

"Lean your head down." Jack commanded. Skye complied and lowered her neck a bit. She felt Jack's paws work at the knot on the back of her head. She still was not used to the feeling of one flesh and one mechanical, especially when she couldn't see it.

The blindfold came off. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the sudden light before she took record of where she was. She looked all around to get a bearing of where she was. Then she saw the sign.

Splyce Incorporations.

Skye knew that name from somewhere. She knew she knew it, but she didn't know why she couldn't remember why. It wasn't until an ibex and a zebra came out the sliding front doors hoof in hoof that it clicked.

"...Jack? What are we doing here?" She asked.

The vixen looked down at Jack. She watched as he put something on his left paw. It was his ring. He gave her a dashing grin. His eye lids half closed and his eyebrows showing a cocky yet confident expression. He held his other paw out to her as he calmly spoke.

"Assessing the situation."

Skye was in disbelief. The bunny dragged her behind by the paw to the entrance. She was awestruck at what she was witnessing, what was happening. She stared at that little jackrabbit as he dragged her along. This was it. This was what she had been always dreaming of. A family. With the one she loved. She was watching her dream she had held onto for so long begin to unfold right before her bright blue eyes, and it was everything she had dreamed and more.

A husband, willing to do anything to make her happy. A knight in shining armor. A handsome jackrabbit, ready to make the biggest choice of his life. To spend with her, an orphaned arctic fox, a mechanic and special agent for the ZIA, a fox who did not deserve what she has been given. At least in her eyes, but in his, it was the exact opposite.

After The End (A Zootopia Fanfiction) Part 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя