Chapter 3: Calm Before The Storm

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Everything happens for a reason. A lifestyle that many believe in. Everything is meant to work a specific way. We can't change the future, because we can't predict it. We were never meant to. We can't change the present, we can only choose which way we choose to walk. Everything else are left in the past, whether it be a second, or a lifetime. What's done is done.

Some things aren't meant to be replaced. 

Some things can't be changed.

Some things have to be the way they are. No matter how much we don't want it to be so.

The morning had not even arrived yet. It was 4:00 am. The world was still dark to the untrained eye. Only a few things could be seen throughout the darkness. Now was the time for rest. Nevertheless, none of that would stop a distressed fox from staring out the window of his bedroom.

Nick had too much on his mind. His body was exhausted, and his eyelids grew heavy, but his mind refused to let him shut down. It was a mad house. A dog chasing his tail. An endless loop of though after thought, but none of it he could comprehend. He could tell you anything physical. The nightstands stood perpendicular to the bed, one on each side. The light on the right side would flicker to life in a dull shimmer while the other flashed to life at the flick of the switch. Those things were easy. The fox would be able to hear a pin drop across his house, he was so focused. Still, everything that ran circles in his skull were like using white ink on paper. It was impossible for him to understand anything right now.

Nick didn't get it. His father. The fox that was never in his life when he needed him, is now here as an uprising to his brother, and his group of delinquents that threatened to break the government of Zootopia, and murder his family.

Like father, like son, he guessed.

Nick did not want to think about it. Then, at that moment, his ear gave a violent twitch as he heard his wife behind him shift under the covers. He looked back at the bunny as she slept comfortably. He always felt joy in looking at that beautiful creature, but at that moment, all he could feel was unwavering sadness. Once again, he didn't know why. 

He just did.

A memory triggered in the fox's brain, and it began to play itself behind Nick's eyes like a projector playing a movie. And Nick watched away...


The walk up the hill was quite elongated for the fox and bunny. Judy wrapped her light jacket tighter to her body as the dusk air began to chill her further. The sky became a wonderful ombrè shade of tangerine to maroon to a deep red violet. The stars slowly began to paint the early night sky as Nick and Judy hopped onto the skyrails.

She clung to his arm in search of extra warmth. The fox chuckled and reached across to stroke her ears down. Nick seemed to be totally unphased by the chilled Rain Forest District air. "You want to borrow my shirt too?" He said in a teasing voice. 

"I just might." She said, her teeth almost began to chatter. As they gazed at the beautiful city as it began to sleep under the blanket of stars, Nick and Judy are stirred from their imaginations at the sound of banging followed by the cart jittering. The cart came to a halt as the engine sounded to power down. Judy's eyes widened at the realization. They were stuck, hanging hundreds of feet above the treeline. "Really? We're stuck up here?" Her voice sounded of worry.

"Don't worry, Carrots. We'll be fine. Your big strong fox is here to protect you from the monsters in the dark."

She rolled her eyes. Nick glances to the city as the sun faded out of view, the light glistening across his sharp emerald eyes, and smiled. "Besides, now we have a perfect view." Nick motioned them to the side of the cart facing the city. And out of the darkness, a stream of light shot to the stars.

After The End (A Zootopia Fanfiction) Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora