Chapter 4: Reaching Limits

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There came five knocks on the door. 

Judy was the first to respond. She was still getting Alex and Johanna dressed when she heard it. "Nick! Could you get that?" She shouted down the hall.

He was in the bathroom, holding his pup while brushing his teeth and listening to the news. "Gimme just a sec!" He shouted back with a mouthful of toothpaste. The fox put his muzzle under the running water, then stuck his nose to the ceiling as he gave his mouth a good swish. He then spat the excess into the sink, turned off the water, and ran downstairs to finally answer the door.

Five more knocks came, just a bit louder this time.

Nick grabbed the handle and gave it a swift turn. The fox pulled open  the door and was greeted by an eccentric arctic fox. "Good morning Mr. Wilde!" Skye said with a smile.

"Good morning Mrs. Savage." Nick replied with that usual sarcastic tone.

The vixen stepped inside and Nick shut the door. She walked down the hall and to the kitchen. She put a couple of manila folders on the counter top and took a seat. She held her paws out. Nick already knew what she was asking without even speaking. He carefully placed Peter in her arms. She was quick to cradle the pup. She looked down at his slumbering expression with a smile.

It was a familiar smile. It reminded Nick of Judy's. It was nurturing, kind, safe. It was a motherly smile. Skye had damn near perfected it, even though she did not have any of her own. Nick frowned in the back of his mind. Not only did she not have kids, but she couldn't. Even if she and Jack decided to settle down and have a family the same way he and Judy had, it would not work. She was sterile. Incapable of having a child of her own. Nick could tell that she desperately wanted to be a mother, and he bet that the feeling of impossibility was killing that fox.

Nick was broken from his thoughts as he saw Judy walk in from his peripheral vision. "Oh, hi there, Skye." She said.

"Hey Judes. Just thought I'd drop off your guys's orders. Hope you don't mind that I had a couple of peeks."

"Not at all."

Nick took Alex and Johanna from Judy so she could grab a few bottles of milk from the fridge. She placed the bottles in the microwave for about fifteen seconds as she got the lids ready. The microwave gave a satisfying 'ding' and she opened the door. Judy finished assembling the bottles as she walked back over to Skye and Nick. 

She handed two to Nick, and the other one to Skye.  

Skye teased the fox with the tip of the bottle, and he opened his muzzle and began sucking. Skye positioned Peter and the bottle in one paw so she could use the other to open the case. Out of it she pulled a couple of manila files. Two of them were Judy and Nick's records, another was a folder full of pictures of Nick's father, John.

Skye felt bad for him.

Her father was a caring fox. He worked day and night, for hours on end to support his family. He did everything in his power to make her happy, albeit everything may have gotten him into some legal and gang related trouble, he still took the risk; whatever it took to see his wife and little girl smile. Then he was murdered by Mr. Honey. Killed him and Skye's mother in cold blood over a debt left unpaid. 

Then there was John. Nick's father who dipped on him the first chance he got. Never in his life when Nick needed a father figure most. All he had was his mother and brother, although now he could say just his mother. 

Skye sighed silently. 'Why do all the good mammals have to be the ones to die?' She thought to herself.

She shook herself from her thoughts and began to explain everything to the two cops. The mission would begin in two days, which meant that the two would have to be separated from their babies again. While it was still not in anyway easy, Nick and Judy felt much better this time. More secure that their babies would be safe in the protection of their friends.

With a little more debriefing and some small talk in between, Skye gave the couple some hugs as she said her goodbyes. She had to run to grab some sushi and see her husband before visiting hours ended. 

Trust in a relationship has many definitions, depending on who is asked. To some, it's a simple understanding that there is mutual understanding in a relationship that they will not go messing around with other animals. Others it is much more difficult to explain. Regardless of who one imagines trust, all trust has limits. For Skye, she liked to see trust as a gauge. Her trust with Jack was usually in the green and safe, but sometimes his crazy antics tended to push her trust back, but no matter what, it would always come back down. After all, he was her husband. Who else could she trust more than him?

The hospital doors slid open the same as they always did. Skye walked past the reception desk with a hum on her lips and a skip in her step. She pressed the button on the elevator, and with the ding of the bell, walked in and pressed the button for Jack's floor.

She could smell the fishing calling to her, but she had to wait, it was just a little bit longer until she could have a nice little dinner date together, and maybe have another fun little session, Skye chuckled. She hoped she didn't get Jack in trouble for that. The staff hadn't approached her about anything, so she assumed they never found out.

She reached his room. The fox juggled the food into one paw as she grabbed the door handle. Skye stepped inside. "Hey Jackiiiiie!" She sung as she entered. "I bought us some su-"

The words left her mouth, and were replaced with silence. Jack wasn't in his bed, and his IV was pulled out, and dangling by the pole. Her smile disappeared, and was replaced with a furious scowl. She threw the sushi into the trash bin with enough force to break the plastic box, splattering the fish and rice all around. She stomped out of the hospital.

Skye measured her trust with Jack like a gauge, and her's was reaching its limits.


Eyo everybody!

I'm really sorry it has taken so long to finally post the next part of this. I've been through boot camp and am finally doing stable in Core School right now, so now the chapters should be coming out at a much better pace, including more parts for Nick Judy Kid Times and Three Little Misfits.

I'm still taking story suggestions for NJKT and TLM, just pm me if you have any ideas.

Most of those stories are actually based of things that happened in my childhood or are things my little siblings have done, so I'm running out of ideas, and I'd love to hear some of your guys' stories!

Anyways! I hope you liked this chapter! 

Stay tuned for more!


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