[5] In trouble of a deal~

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Kai POV:

It was tuesday. Yes, a lame tuesday for me...

I hate tuesdays...I just hate it. The students becomes so noisy, the teachers are lazing out and my seatmate's bothering me--oh wait f*ck it's like that everyday...

Nah, I think tuesday's the worst..but thinking of yesterday, it was monday and I'm already cursed...I'm afraid this day might be even worser-- I sighed in annoyance.

Unluckily, my seat is in the middle row, completely middle... that means in the third line. We have five lines in a row... and there are three rows, damn. Two seats each line by the way... my seat's on the left side.

"Yo kai~" my seatmate, Ryuuko, a boy always bothers me. He was so noooisy and annoying. A punch wouldn't be enough.

"Go away!" I said in advance. It was recess so he got nothing to do other than to waste my not-so-valuable time.

"Pfft. Too cold. That's why girls don't dig you." He distinctly said while his arms folded. It annoyed me so much.

"How can you say?" I fumed. He started to grin and scoffed "Can you talk to Melisa? And make her like ya~?" It annoyed me..but I don't want to seem weak... All in my head is Fukase though.

I asked her through mail if her father abuses her, she said, "Not last night and I hope tonight too..." it makes me happy.

"Deal!" I boasted. He laughed though. But snickered. "If you lose, I'll flirt Fukase."

What!!? Damn... I won't let you do that...Umm... because sh-she-she's my friend, y-yes! She's important.

Wait, did I ever shared I don't talk to anyone here in our class unless I have to? I don't even know my classmates much. They don't care, I don't care. Just... saying.

"Just you try..." I clenched my fist and glared at him with bloodshot eyes. He just snickered and annoyed me further, I just knew 3-B section's just next door.

"Goodluck dork~ I'll be watching." He winked. I hate it.

I approached the girl, she was with her friends. Her hair is black, it almost reaches her midriff and she was cute. She has a flower decoration on her head. Her fashion's flashy as well but--w-who cares...

Al-Also , her-- her--chest is so large...

What a center of attention--


"Hey, umm." This is messed up.
"Yes, Kai-kun?" She beamed, while her friends started to tease.

"I knew this~ Melissa. But, Kai is..."  one girl paused her sentence but got interrupted by another "-Go on, Kai-sama." A brown haired girl smiled at me. \(^o^\)

"Can we talk away from here?" She nodded after that. She seems to often blush, which annoyed me. Even this talking to her thing annoys me. I don't want to talk to anyone unless it's Suoi or Fukase..

We found ourselves in the school grounds. I started to crouch on the ground, folding my legs and frowning. Melissa shaken me up, I was angered. But I remember tha deal, so I calmed down for the sake of it

She parted her hair to the side, covering her ears. Her eyes are sparkling, looking towards mine. I gulped first.

"Melissa. Do you like someone?" "E-EH??"  She really blushed hard, she stood up.

"I-I got to-- GO!" She yelled at me. I stood up too, trying to stop her from running away. I held her hands as she ran so we fell on the ground.

Me , on top of her. I'm suffocating on her chest-- What a big disaster...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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