♫Chapter 1 - Moving Day♫

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I look down at my hot pink bag as they load the moving truck. As I look for my phone i felt someone tap my shoulder.

I turn to see Cherri holding her music notebook. " I'm ready " she says with a small smile.

I look at her as she scans the house for leftover objects. She looks at this picture of mom and dad then tipped it over flat. " Cherri are you sure that you're okay? " I ask remembering last night.


Last night when we went back to the apartment as she sobbed the whole way back. She kept thinking negative. Saying things like Dad destroyed our life and that we will never be happy again. I try to comfort her but she just shuts down staying to her self. In her own little world. 

End of Flashback.

" Yeah I'm fine my mom just died... I'm perfectly happy " she says with sarcasm. " Come on Cherri just tell me are you still hung up on dad and ... mom " I say a little hesitant.

She paused for a second in mom and dads bedroom. Looking at moms belongings and ignoring dads. " I am but I just want to get it out of my head." she said walking back towards outside. I follow her onto the sidewalk next to the car. "Well If you need me you know I'm right here " I say in a comforting tone. 

She smiles slightly and says, "At least he gets what he deserves " I laugh "Yea and we get to live in luxury " I say while walking to the car. I open the door then say, " Your palace awaits" She giggles then says, "Why thank you Ms. Jade your so kind "

 We hop into the car and share a laugh. When the movers gave us a sign we started our way towards Aunt Rachel's house. 

The drive took 5 hours but it didn't seem long we left like at 10 so we didn't get there till 3. When we arrived we were greeted with the hugs and kisses of Aunt Rachel. We got settled in and decided to get familiar with Florida. 

We went to stores amusement parks and went site seeing. Cherri ate a lot of ice cream and even got some all over her face. Yep she must be my little sister.

When we reached our new home Rachel was already cooking dinner. "Mmm... Whats for dinner?" I ask.  She smiles then says, " Spaghetti " she replies.

I was excited I loved spaghetti it was my favorite dish ever sense mom made it at her diner a few years back. Cherri walked in.

" Wow Aunt Rachel you really know how keep a girl comin back for more! " she says in a playful tone. Every time Rachel makes something Cherri always asks for seconds or maybe even thirds.

Aunt Rachel laughs then says, " Why thank you for the compliment "

We both take a seat at the table waiting for the deliciousness to begin. 

After we ate; Cherri and I got into our room. Our room was already filled with some belongings we left every time we slept over Aunt Rachel's house. 

Cherri's PROV:

The first thing I took out was my music notebook. It may be hard to believe but I LOVE music I always listen to it. I started liking music because my real dad loved it too. He always took mom out to clubs that where filled with music and he was an awesome dancer. From my view he could be the best dancer I've ever seen. He inspired me in so many ways. 

When he left for the military when I was 7 he told me that he'd be back but he never came back. I still hope though. I finish unpacking then head over the Jade.

" Hey Jade. Are you done yet? " I ask looking at her side of the room. She decorated it with green and purple certain and Taylor Lautner posters. She swore that she was in love with him but to me he was... okay.

I look around and find a picture of mom and dad with all of us smiling, I was 4 and Jade was 7.

" Do you still think about dad? " I ask ignoring the fact that she didn't answer my first question. She looked up at the picture.

She smiles than says, "Yeah " I smile again and say, " I do too... everyday actually "

She sighs then says, "I do too; everywhere i go reminds me about him he gave me so many memories." 

" He was my inspiration. He was funny and lets not forget that he was handsome." I say with a small laugh. She laughs too then says, " Yea i always loved to touch his small beard " I giggle then smile.

I loved how awesome dad was. 

I heard someone knock. I skip over to the door and open it to see Aunt Rachel. " May I help you? " I ask with a slight smile." I would like to come in " she says playing along. Hmm do you have an appointment ?" I ask.

Then she laughs making me laugh. " Just kidding you may come in " I say then bow like a butler .

 She walks in and looks around. "You two really know how make a place like home. " she says while planting her self on Jades bed. We shared a laugh." I admit we are awesome decorators " I say. " Yep power of the Skylers " Jade says while flexing her, not so big, muscles. 

Aunt Rachel laughs then says " Yeah you two have to get to bed you have a long day ahead of you " I frown then say " What are we doing tomorrow ? "

" Just you have to go to school " she says.

" What!" Jade and I both scream.

" Ah don't worry its a performing arts school " she says with a smirk.

" Yeah ... No I can't be in a preforming arts school. I can't sing, dance , or even do a cartwheel! On top of that I don't even like school in general. " Jade says with me nodding my head in a agreement.

" Well we'll just try it out don't worry. And plus Jade your a very good singer. You get it form your mother. And Cherri your a great dancer which you get from your dad " she says with a face saying what are you so scared about? Well I can't dance. 

" I can't dance " I say in frustration.

" Yes you can, stay positive " she says trying to comfort me.

" Isn't that why you always carry your music notebook around. To remind you of your dad and his giant passion for dance? " she says with a smile. I look at my music notebook laying on my light purple bed. 

It's true I do carry it around to remind me of dad but I just can't accept me being a dancer...


Well Thank You for reading! and I hope you liked it :)

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                                               - Sierra <3

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