Chapter 19

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"Whoever set this ruddy bird on me is gonna get it!" an enraged Ron Weasley bellowed as he came shooting down the steps from the dormitories, a large screech owl flapping closely behind him.

Harry froze in the entryway to Gryffindor common room, staring at the scene in front of him. As soon as Ron hit the bottom step, he veered left and took off at a run around the room, dodging chairs, tables and people, his arms waving madly behind him. The screech owl, though, was not going to be put off that easily. Its hoots of indignation punctuated each flap of its wings against Ron's head as it berated the boy for failing to take the letter that it had to deliver.

Every Gryffindor in the room was in stitches. Fred and George were actually rolling across the carpet in laughter at their unfortunate brother. As Ron's hysterics increased, more and more Gryffindors appeared from the stairwells only to start laughing themselves. Hermione, Neville, Lavender and Pavarti were all holding each other up where they sat together on the big chair in front of the fire.

As Ron passed him, Harry noticed a number of red lines down Ron's cheeks and neck where the owl had scratched him in its effort to force the boy to stop running away. One pocket looked to have been ripped during the last circuit and now, held out in front of him by both hands, was Scabbers the rat.

Scabbers' high-pitched screeches pierced even through Ron's roars at the owl and his yelps of pain. The rat's struggles, whether from Ron squeezing too hard or the threat of the flying predator, were eventually too much for Ron to handle and the rat dropped unceremoniously to the floor.

At once, the screech owl changed direction, talons outstretched as it swooped towards the floor. Seeing this, Ron dove full length, sliding along the floor after his pet as it made a mad dash for the safety of underneath the nearest couch. The owl wasn't able to change direction fast enough and landed square on Ron's rear, eliciting an even louder howl, especially when Ron's head shot up and collided spectacularly with the underside of the nearby side table.

But even that wasn't enough to deter the determined Ron. Snatching his rat out from his hiding place, Ron regained his feet and took off once more around the room, the owl following on behind.

On Ron's next pass, Harry frowned, recognising the envelope attached to the owl's leg. It was the one that he'd tied to the screech owl up in the owlery not long before. Sighing, he stepped forward into Ron's path and held up his arm.

Immediately, the owl veered from the distraught red-head and landed with an indignant squawk on his arm. Raising his other hand, Harry gently rubbed the owl's back in an effort to calm the poor bird down.

"You! Are you responsible for ... that?" Ron screeched, rounding on Harry.

"Um, yeah, I think so," he replied sheepishly.

But Ron blatantly ignored any semblance of remorse in Harry's voice and started bellowing at the top of his lungs.

"What's the big idea, eh? Settin' a ruddy bird on me and Scabbers! What've I ever done to you? Did Hermione put you up to this? I've tried being nice, but she's just mental, you know? You had no cause to set that owl on me! Look at these scratches! And it ruined my potions homework! Completely tore it to pieces when I refused to take the letter it was trying to force on me!"

Harry's mouth open and closed, intent of trying to apologise or at least to try to offer some kind of explanation, but Ron never let him get a word in edgewise.

"If that was some kind of prank, then it was a bloody stupid one. Just ... just stay the hell away from me, Potter! I don't know why you've got it in for me and I really don't care. Just stay away from me!"

The Cupboard Series 1: The Cupboard Under The StairsWhere stories live. Discover now