Chapter Three: Trouble is her middle name

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Announcement: This chapter is unedited I'm super sorry but my sister couldn't do it and in the authors note from last chapter I said I would post today. Again I'm sorry but please enjoy!

   Finally making our way to the baseball field we go to sit on the bleachers. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from my bag and passed it around. "So what are we planning on doing at the party?" I ask after puffing on my cigarette.
   "Well, we could play some games, drink some beer, dance. You know the usual stuff," Kayli says with a shrug.

  Looking up I saw two people approaching us. Squinting my eyes to see better I saw the two boys from homeroom. Everyone else saw where I was looking and saw the two boys coming are way.

   "Who are they?" Brooke asks with a smirk. She obviously thinks there cute.

   "They were in are homeroom." I shrugged. Just as I finished they were a few feet from the bleachers. "Hey!" Trying to get their attention I called out.

    "Come to join the fun?" Kayli asks with a playful smile.

   The one with blonde hair sits down on the bleachers while asking what we were doing.

   "I was thinking we could play truth or dare" is my response. When ever we skipped we usually played a game. Everyone nods in agreement. "Okay before we start to play, what are your names?" If I was going to play with a few strangers I wanted to at least know their name. The one with blond hair spoke up.

   "Im Luke and that guy is North." Luke says with a giant smile. North only grunts in response.

   "Well okay lets get this show on the road!" I exclaim. Excitement is bubbling inside of me. Seth pulls me into his side and throws his arm over my shoulders.

   "Okay so whose starting?" Kayli asks while looking around at everyone.

   "I'll go." I say eagerly. Looking around I decided to pick North. "North truth or dare"

   Seeming startled he looks up and grunts truth. Thinking of a question to ask him I decide to ask him what was the most embarrassing moment of your life. I wanted him to loosen up some and have fun.

   "Well you see, Luke is a big prankster so for one of his pranks he made all of my underwear pink. I was super tired that day so I didnt feel like yelling at him. Later that day we went to the mall. Luke and our friend Gabriel decided it would be funny to pants me. When they did everyone saw my pink underwear and they teased me for at least 3 months." he says with a slight blush. I couldnt help it, I had to laugh. After almost falling off the bleachers form laughing so hard, I finally calmed down.

   "Okay go."I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard and a giant smile as well.

   "Sang truth or dare?" He asked obviously annoyed that I laughed so much.

   "Dare." I was hoping the dare wouldn't be to bad.

   "I dare you to scale the baseball cagd." He said with a sly smirk. Laughing to myself I got up. I've scaled that thing since freshman year.

   Walking up to the cage I lept about a fourth of the way up and easily made my way to the top. I let go and jumped off. When I hit the ground I rolled and stood up. I walked back to the bleachers and both North and Luke had their mouths wide open and looked between me and the cage I just scaled.

   Everyone in my group of friends were laughing. Sitting down next to Seth I laughed a little. When we were done laughing Seth gave me a peck on the lips and hugged me.

   We played a few more rounds and decided we should probably make an appearance in second period. We all stood up and started walking toward the school.

   As we walked. Luke asked about this morning when I punched Greg.

   Mari snorted before simply saying "Trouble is her middle name."

   "What class do you guys have next?" I asked the Taylor brothers. While playing truth or dare I found out they were brothers.

   "I have gym next." Luke said.

   " I have AP geometry" North said with a shrug.

   "Oh cool, that's what we have. We have every class together." I say pointing to my friends.

   When we were done talking we were almost to class. Luke split from us. We walked into the classroom and North went to sit near his friend. I pretty sure he was also in the courtyard. He has reddish brown hair and pretty blue eyes. He had a pretty built frame. Not as built as North though. He was wearing a red polo  shirt and dark jeans.  I was ooking for a place we could all sit when I realized we would be spread out. With a sigh I walked to an empty seat some how I ended up between North and his friend.

   I felt someone tap my back I turned around and came face to face with the guy with red hair.

   He smiled at me before he asked "Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" I nodded and reached down to get one from mg bag.

   I turned around to give it to him "Not even 3 hours into the day and I'm losing a f*cking pencil already" I said with a grin sohe knew I was joking.

   "I promise to give it back." He said before chuckiling. He stuck his hand out while he said "My name is Nathan"

   Placing my hand is his a simply said "Sang" I smiled and turned around to face the front. I reached down to grad a pencil for myself.  When I sat back up I saw a note on my desk. I looked around and my eyes fell on Kayli. She just smiled.

   I opened up the note and saw that she forgot bring a pencil. I groaned under my breath while scribbling down a reply and passed it on. I simply replied with "And what would you like me to do about that exactly?" I huffed in annoyance and looked up at the teacher.

   Yea, I am a bad kid but I'm still smart and get good grades. The class was just spent writing notes on what we would do in the class.

Authors note:
Hey guys! So my sister and I mad a playlist for this fan fic. It is called Play Dirty and it is by Missjellybean4. You guys should go check it out. It has songs that I think Sang would listen to, some relate to the plot, and some are just for Sang and the boys. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Bye for now!

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