Chapter Four: I Do It For The Thrills

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   Next period was study hall. That meant it was time to try and find some more trouble. Looking around I see some people that would be fun to mess with. My eyes finally settle on Jade. Shes the captain of the cheer team. Shes a snobby little b*tch and I wouldn't mind messing with her. I slip away from my friends and make my way over to Jade with a smirk planted on my lips.

   This is the type of stuff i do for the thrills. It makes me pumped and excited. It makes me feel alive. Yeah it gets me in trouble a lot but what am I supposed to do about it.  I sat down next to Jade. She looked at me with a sneer on her face.

   "What do you want?" Jade snarls.  The look on her face makes me break out into fool blown laughter. She glares at me then asks "What are laughing at?"

   "Well you see i was bored and i needed a new target and you just happened to be the lucky winner." I say with a smirk and slight shrug. As soon as she sees the look on my face she lunges for me. Knowing she was going to pull that sh*t i easily duke. Jade didn't know i was going to duck so she fell to the floor. 

   I lean down to whisper "Should've been faster." Before i could do anything she reached out and pulled my ankle causing me to fall as well. I looked at her and growled out " Wrong f*cking move." I got a couple hits in but before i could do any damage someone picked me up off of her. I started scratching at there arms but they wouldn't give. Growling in frustration in annoyance I let the person carry me. 

   Once i was set on the ground i looked to see who had broken up the fight. Seth looked down at me with a slight frown. "Sang i think you've gotten into enough trouble for today" Seth says with a serious tone. I huffed but didn't try and fight back.

   "Fine your right" I say. I hate being wrong and everyone knows that. Seth gives me a gentle smile and a peck on the cheek. We make our way back to the girls. Not wanting to talk anymore I pull out my earbuds and put on my favorite Spotify playlist. Thrills by Sizzy Roclets comes on. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall.

   Not really wanting to be at school anymore i sigh, grab my stuff, and head for my car. All of my friends were hot on my heels. This isnt the first time we have ditched just cause. 

   "Whose house" I ask as we near the truck. Maria says their parents should be gone all day so we head to their house. I sigh and then say " How about my house so we can think of things we need for the party. My dad and step mom won't be home for a while so we have plenty of time."

Authors note:
Sorry this chapter is really short. I got busy (lazy) and forgot to post. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This chapter is also not edited because I am not with my sister at the moment. I will make sure to make the next chapter longer. Dont forgot to leave feed back!

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