Let the Party Begin

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Sang's pov

After school my friends and I all made our way back to my house. Throughout the day we have mentioned the party to people, and by the end of the day the whole school knew about the party. As soon as we got home we prepared the house for the party and shortly after began getting our self's ready. Maria, Brook, Kayli, and I crowded in my room doing makeup, hair, and getting dressed. I went for a basic look, wearing a black and red stripped turtle neck tucked into a pair of black denim shorts, and leather jacket slung over my arm to wear later. On my feet I had my basic Timberlands. The other three girls went for a more party oufit, wearing skirts and cropped tops. 

Seth was somewhere downstairs, still wearing his basic t shirt and jeans that he wore to school this morning. I slowly made my way downstairs after doing my hair and makeup. I left my blonde hair flowing down my back in waves and just went for a natural makeup look. 

When I finally reached the main floor of my house I crept towards the living room to find Seth sprawled out on my couch. I giggled looking at the amusing site of my boyfriend laying on my couch with his long limbs hanging over the side of the small couch.

Hearing my giggles, Seth looked up from his phone and when he saw standing in the door frame giggling he smirked slightly. "What are you giggling at?" He asked with a teasing voice. " Get your butt over here." Seth said while laughing. While giggling i made my way across the living room. When I finally reached the couch Seth effortlessly pulls me on to the couch next to him. Snaking his arms around my waist he pulls me closer to his body.

Looking up at his face i make eye contact with his big brown eyes shinning with happiness. My eyes travel farther down his face and stop on his lips. Slowly i lean in to place a sweet kiss on his lips. Just centimeters away i here a knock at the door.

I groan and drag myself out of the comforting grasp of my boyfriend and walk to the front door several feet away. Upon opening the door, i come face to face with most of the foot ball team. Without a word i open the door wider allowing the to enter my house.


Several hours later my house is full of people from my school, some of them i don't even know. I squeeze my way through sweaty bodys with hands grasping on to some sort of alcoholic beverage. Feeling slightly anxious with all the bodys around me, my grip tightens on my beer. I finally make my way to the staircase and head upstairs towards my room to possibly find one of the girls. 

I arrive at my room momentarily. When i reach the hallway with my bedroom i hear slight moans and groans coming from the spare bedroom across from mine. I look at the door confusingly. "I made sure everyone knew the upstairs was off limits so, who the fuck could possibly be that bedroom?" I mummer to myself while slowly approaching the room.

My hand slowly reaches for the door handle. I softly turn it to see if its locked. When the door slowly and quietly opens, I walk into the bedroom with no hesitation. I look to the center of the room were a bed is placed to see where the moans are coming from. To my surprise I see Seth, my boyfriend on top of a girl, that shockingly turns out to be that bitch Jade.

Feeling incredibly mad i scoff and storm further into the room to pull Seth and Jade apart. Both of them look up at me startled, and Seth's eyes slowly widen. Without a second glance i turn around and stomp out of the room. While exiting the room I here rushed footsteps and a vouce calling for me to stop.

Already knowing who was chasing me, I hastily turn around to come face to face with the face of my cheater of  boyfriend. Feeling extremely mad i easily seethe at said man " What the fucking do you want Seth? Shouldn't you get back to your little fuck buddy? Im sure she's waiting for you. So why dont you do us both a favor and get the fuck out of my face. Dont ever contact me again im so done with you and your shit". Without waiting for a reply I storm away from now ex boyfriend who was standing there dumbfounded.

I find myself in my back yard, filled with drunk teenagers grinding on each other. My eyes easily find a group of 7 boys standing slightly away from all the other teenagers. I walk towards them while slinging my jacked over my small frame to try and block out some of the nighttime coldness.

North looks up from the group and see's my pissed off face approaching the group. He gets the other 6's attention. "Why do you look like you want to murder someone?" Kota calmly questions.

With dark eyes look him dead in the eyes while easily slipping out a reply " Because i do". I spend the rest of the night with the group of males, spending the time explaining what happend and laughing and joking. By the time the night comes to an end and everyone comes home i didnt see any of my friends which i was awfully grateful for.


Im sorry if there are any mistakes, I wrote this at 2 in the morning! I hope you all enjoyed and hopefully i can update more frequently. Bye, Love you all! - Author Jillian

P.S The song above is kpop song with the English translation, but i thought it fit with the chapter somewhat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2018 ⏰

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