weird happenings

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I might just go on a long tangent, but I need to talk to someone. Currently, mom is in the hospital and my sister and I are here at home, for some reason none of my family takes us to see her. Not even dad, he just goes up there to take care of mom, he comes home late, we are already asleep by the time he gets home, the only time I see him is when he wakes me up for school. Otherwise I feel really lonely, and really bored. I am always tired and really stressed. I have no idea about how mom is. She got neumonia and has to get fluid sucked out of her lungs. Earlier in 2016 she got the worst kind of guillane barre. Before that, she had to go gluten free. The crazy thing is that she is allergic to is silicone. The hospital is the worst place to be because of all of the silicone... Only because most people are allergic to latex. Whenever she touches silicone she gets a really bad rash. But before all of this crazy stuff, she was still in pain all of the time and was bedridden. I don't know how she can handle so much, but she is an amazing mom and I love her. She is the youngest person to get guillane barre, it took alot of time to figure out what she had, but she had gone from completely normal to being a quadriplegic in 2 days. By then she couldn't move or even close one eye. The sounds for her just sounded terrible. But now she has been doing physical therapy and occupational therapy. Then she got to where she is now, in the hospital, with neumonia. School is crazy, it's almost the end of the semester, I am having trouble with math, if you have any good study methods for 8th grade math, I would like to know. Have you ever fallen asleep while standing up when playing hide and seek? I have, the smallest closet in my house, a towel and bedding closet. I had a balloon and I brought it outside, it flew onto the grass, it didn't pop, then it popped on a dandelion, A Dandelion! Of all the possible things it could've popped on, it popped on a dandelion. Why not the grass? My life is messed up! Most of the time if I make a friend in school, they either move to another state, move schools, or I lose touch. I just wish I could stay in touch with them because I get really lonely at home with Mom in the hospital and dad staying with her. My sister just watches YouTube all day, like she doesn't want anything to do with me. I just wish she would have more interest in me... I need someone who understands this, someone to talk to. I need something to do with my time, I am out of creative ideas, what should I do? Apart from school, I have all the time in the world, my friends all live farther away than I can walk or ride on my bike. I wish I had something to do with my time. If you comment, maybe you could send me some ideas for fun stuff to do at home.

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