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I have started into my ninth grade year, and it is just so overwhelming. Now after school I just do homework until bedtime. I am taking an AP class, and biology. I also have my second year of French. I have gotten back into piano, my dad is teaching me and he says that for someone just starting, I am more advanced than his other students were when they started. Apparently I am really good at sight reading.


I found out about my newest allergies...  drumroll............. Propylene Glycol and Cobalt. (also a random weed.)


How it started...

This summer I went to a camp called Youth Conference. While I was there, I began to have a rash on about the 2nd day, it got worse from there. ( this was a week long camp.) On the fourth day, we went to a reservoir to swim. I got into the water and swam out to the floating bounce house we rented. As I was swimming I began to be very tired and stared to sink. Luckily I had a neighbor who put me in a life jacket. On the way back from the reservoir, in the car, I had trouble breathing. When we arrived at camp, the rash was more noticeable than previous days. One of the leaders came up to me, wondering about the rash and told me that my eye had started to swell closed. Luckily, the next day I went home to go to the doctor's office. I received some antibiotics and went home. For a couple weeks it improved until it went back to how it was at camp. We decided to take me in for allergy testing and they suggested a scratch test. We found what had caused the reaction at camp, but there was still the mystery of why it was happening a few weeks after the camp. I waited for a few weeks to get the antibiotic out of my system fully and went in for a patch test (which didn't hurt because this time they didn't do a scratch test which involves a needle.) It was then that we knew what had caused it to return. We figured out that my reaction was worse when the allergen (Propylene Glycol) was consumed. I tried my best to avoid it, but it stayed. We then figured out that it had an abbreviation (PG) and from then on, I have been doing a lot better.

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