Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I walked into McDonalds and stood in line to order my food and looked around to see if any of my friends were here yet. We were meeting up because we were going to the mall, but we decided to stop for lunch first. None of them were there. Yet. Instead I saw a boy with curly, black hair standing in line to order food standing next to a boy with shaggy but good looking hair that was light brown and messy. I thought that they looked a lot like Louis and Harry. I saw a fair skinned boy with light brown hair over at the soda fountain. I found myself thinking that he could be Liam. I found a boy with dark hair and dark skin getting a straw. I thought that this looks like Zayn. I realized that if there was a boy a few inches shorter than the rest with bright blue eyes and blonde hair than this could be the new hot boy band One Direction. Just then I heard the bathroom door open and out came that blonde haired boy. This HAS to be Niall! The boy of my dreams (quite literally too!). As I realized that this truly was the amazingly cute band One Direction, my face turned a deep crimson. I scanned my options on how to get my favorite boy Niall to notice me. I thought about pretending to faint but thought that that was too cliché. Then I thought of just being a fan and fangirling all over them but thought they might not think that much of me except for being just another fan. So I decided to just be casual and play it cool.

I walked over to the ladies restroom and "accidentally" bumped into Niall. "Excuse me." I said. "That's all right." he replied. If I wasn't trying so hard to play it cool I would have melted at his adorable Irish accent. Thankfully I kept it together and kept on walking. I got to the door of the restroom, turned around, and said, "Hey, aren't you Niall Horan, from One Direction?" he replied with a simple, yet elegant answer, "Yes I am."

I tried hard to stay calm but I couldn't fight myself forever. As he watched me with his brilliant eyes, I felt like he could read my mind. Even though I knew he couldn't, or maybe because of it, I blurted out, "I love you Niall Horan!" I covered my mouth, wide-eyed and embarrassed. I thought that he might laugh in my face but to my surprise he smiled. And it wasn't even one of those pained smiles that I had seen some celebrities give their adoring fans but a genuine smile that he might give to a friend. His musical voice interrupted my thoughts as he said, "I'm glad you feel that way because I have a good feeling about you." I was so stunned that I didn't say anything. Then I quickly recovered and calmly said, "I'll be right back." I entered the ladies room and heard him say, "I'll wait for you." my thoughts were swarmed with doubts and I thought that this was too good to be true but I didn't want to question it. I couldn't wait to see him again so I rushed back to Niall.

I saw him sitting with the boys at a booth and was about to leave my number on a table for him to pick up when I noticed out of the corner of my eye him beckoning me over. I was simply astonished. I was amazed but scared. I was thrilled and happy. I realized that the logical thing to do would be to walk over there. I did and strangely enough, there was a mischievous twinkle in his eye. I was so glad that the other boys weren't watching me walk over because that might've made me melt. The walk seemed to take forever but when I finally got there he was still smiling at me. Now the boys were watching me. To my surprise Niall patted the open seat next to him and I sat down. I introduced myself saying, "Hi. I'm Rose and I am a HUGE fan. They laughed. Then, seeing my hurt and bewildered look, they explained. Harry said, "Nice to meet you Rose. And I'm glad that you are a fan of us however I think that Niall is an even bigger fan of you!"

Could you even begin to imagine my surprise?! My favorite singer of all time is crazy about me! And he doesn't even know me! Harry laughed. Liam said, "Close your mouth love. Doesn't look very good." now we all laughed. I still couldn't believe that I was talking to them. Niall, somehow sensing my disbelief, reached over and grabbed my hand under the table. I smiled and he laughed. "I wonder what's keeping my friends. They were supposed to be here by now." Zayn said, "My apologies but you weren't supposed to be in here either. We supposedly had security guards posted around the building so we could eat in peace and relax. But somehow you got by them."

"Actually, that was easy," I replied. "I simply walked in. You know how the playground outside is connected to inside?" they nodded. "I went through the back gate that leads to the playground then in the door that connects the two. I did it this time, and I always have." "Well what a happy accident," said Niall. I smiled at him. "If you'll excuse me I must call my mom and tell her that the mall trip has been postponed." and with that I slid out of the table and slipped out the door I came in through. I called my mom and told her what had happened. However I left out the most important part about One Direction being here because I was still trying to make sense of it all. She told me that they were waiting for me at the mall. Apparently they had decided to skip the lunch and just go to the mall. Mom said that they tried to call my cell but it went to voicemail so they called my mom instead. I Told my mom goodbye then checked my voicemail. She was right, as usual. I reluctantly, yet gratefully, told the boys I had to go. Niall walked me to the door and I gave him my number saying, "Call or text me when you want to meet up again. Or if you just want to talk."

"I will," he promised.

I had just gotten in the car when my phone beeped. I had gotten a text. The number was one I had never seen before so I opened it. It was Niall. I laughed. I rolled down my window and told him, "I haven't left yet."

"I know," he replied. "But I did it for two reasons. First to make sure it worked. Second, and most importantly, I missed you already." I blushed and smiled at him again. "I'm glad that it works and now I have your number too. But just a fair warning, I won't be able to respond to your texts for a while because I'll be driving, then with my friends." He winked at me and I smiled back. Then drove away.

When I had gotten to the mall I called Lauren. I asked her where she was and she told me that they were at Shakey's. I laughed and told her that I would be there soon. When I got there, Beatriz, or Betty as she preferred to be called, asked, "Gosh what took you so long?" Anamaria said, "Yea we were getting worried." I laughed and cautiously said, "I could tell. You called my mom!" We all laughed and I continued saying, "Well I had my phone off like I always do when I drive so I didn't get your call. Then I got to McDonalds and waited for like 10 minutes but you didn't show up. I checked my phone then and saw your message." this was the story I had pieced together from the truth and a realistic lie on my way here.

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