Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Niall’s POV

            I woke up to shaking. My first thought was that it was an earthquake but it was just Liam.

            “Get up mate.” He told me.

            “Where are we going?”

            “The hospital.”


            “Rose’s mom is in the hospital. In a coma.”

            We got in the car, and as promised and I was fully awake and in a rush. Liam dropped me off at the front entrance of the hospital and I ran to find my Rose. She sat in front of a room. Her dad was sitting next to her. Him sleeping, her praying. They both had tear streaks down their faces. I was moved with pity. I took a seat next to Rose and wrapped my arms around her. I waited until she finished her prayer before I spoke to her.

            “Rose I am so very sorry. I swear nothing happened. That girl asked for a hug then came in for the kiss.” She didn’t look up, or say anything. She just sat there, looking at her prayer beads. I saw Liam come in. I shook my head. I let go of Rose, stood up, kissed the top of her head, and was leaving.


Rose’s POV

            I was praying the rosary when Niall came up to me. I listened but didn’t move. I still had my eyes on my mom’s rosary. She had given this to me for my 16th birthday. She had hung it up on my rear-view mirror when she gave me my car. It was the last thing she had given me, before this. I shuddered from the thought. Niall must have noticed because he got up and kissed the top of my head. I looked up to see him walking away.

            “Niall, wait!” I said, jumping out of my chair. I saw him turn around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear

            “I know. I am so sorry. I can’t stay mad at you. I need you.” I started crying again.

            “Rose it will be okay. I promise. Your mom will be okay.”

            “I know.” I looked up at him. “I have faith.” He looked surprised. I smiled at him and gave him another hug. I squeezed him and he squeezed back. My stomach rumbled. I grinned, embarrassed. He took my hand.

            “Want to get something from the vending machine?” I nodded. As we turned the corner, I saw Liam. He looked sad. But when he saw our smiles and our hands, he smiled to. He gave me a hug and said,

            “I’m really sorry about your mom.” In a whisper, he said, “But don’t do that to Niall again.” He let me go and gave me a smile. I smiled back, surprised.

            “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. I know it will.” We continued walking to the vending machine, in clear sight of the front doors. Zayn walked in, then Louis, and Harry. They saw us and smiled. Louis ran over to me, picked me up and spun around. I laughed. I couldn’t help it. These boys made me happy. They stayed with me the rest of the day. They comforted me when my mom didn’t wake up, and they drove me back to my house so that I wouldn’t get into a car accident as well. Niall stayed with me that night and I was glad for the company. My dad stayed with my mom the entire night. I didn’t want to see my mom. Not because I wanted to be rude, but because if she died, I didn’t want to remember her with bandages all over her face, but with a smile.

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