Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Rose’s Dad’s POV (Mr. Flores)

I stayed with my Kinzie all the time. I hadn’t left her side ever since they let me in. I held her hand and watched her. I prayed for her. Her favorite prayer was the Rosary. I prayed it every day for her, just like she did. Rosie won’t come in to see her. She says it is because she doesn’t want to remember her this way. I agree with her. I don’t want to admit it, but I don’t think that she will make it. I can’t tell Rosie this though because it will break her fragile heart.


“Kinzie?” I asked hopefully. This is a good sign right? This has to be! I mean, she’s speaking. Maybe I should go get Rosie. Wait, did she say Niall?!

               Rose’s POV

We had grabbed a Kit Kat and Reese’s from the vending machine for me to eat. Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry then came back with me to wait for my dad and pray for my mom. My dad came out of my mom’s hospital room. I was surprised because I had gotten the kit Kat so that he could have a little snack. I was planning on going to Taco Bell to get something for the both of us to eat.

“Rose,” he said. “She asked for you.” My eyebrows went up in shock.

“O-okay.” I stammered nervously. I really didn't want to see my mom this way. Who knows, maybe she doesn't have all of the bandages on her face. Niall squeezed my hand and gave me a smile, as if to say that everything will be okay. I returned the smile. 

"Oh and Niall, she said your name too." My dad looked pained to say that, as if he was... Jealous. Niall turned as white as the fresh fallen snow before blushing a deep crimson. Harry laughed. I had forgotten they were behind us. I turned to look at them now and they gave me reassuring smiles. I held Niall's hand and together we walked into my mom's hospital room. The hope and strength that the boys had just given me with their smiles and laughter vanished when I saw my mom. She was so broken. Her tight leg was elevated and in a cast, her left arm was in a sling, and she had bruises all over her face. I buried my face in Niall's chest and cried. He guided me over to a chair next to her bed and sat down, pulling me onto his lap and holding me like I was a little girl. 

My mom started to say something. I tried to stop sobbing so I could hear her but tears still ran like rivers from my eyes. 

"Ro-Rose," she said.

"Yea mom. I'm here," I said, barely above a whisper. 


"I'm here too," Niall said. 

"Don't break my baby girl's heart. I love her so much. Take care of her."

"I will."

"tell your father, Rose, that I love him so much and I will miss him dearly." those were her past words. I could tell that it pained her to say them. I kneeled down beside her bed and held her hand. I heard Niall get up and leave. He came in with my dad. He went to the other side of my bed, kissed my mom and held her other hand. We stayed that way all night. My dad and I holding her hands, Niall at my shoulder. 

At 5:33, my mom breathed her last breathe. My dad kissed her forehead and left. I started wailing. I can't believe that my mom was gone. I'm glad that I was able to tell her goodbye and I love you. I am glad that I apologized for everything. I am going to miss her. I wailed for each of these. I am too young to lose my mom. Niall knelt down to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and cried. I was done wailing. Now I sobbed. Niall kissed the top of my head and held me tight. We stayed that way for a while. When we left, I saw my dad. I said goodbye to Niall and gave him a kiss, then grabbed my dad's hand and we walked out of the hospital. We had said our goodbyes and wouldn't see my mom again until her funeral. Her friends were arranging the whole thing, we just had to show up. Niall walked with us to the door. I saw the rest of the boys. I gave them a weak smile and continued walking home with my dad. I drove my car home and my dad drove his. We showered, got into sweats, and watched a movie while eating popcorn. No one said a word. 

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