Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 

Rose's POV

Lulu left and pretty much as soon as the door shut the phone rang. I picked it up. It was my friend Isabel. She was freaking out. She started screaming into the phone. I told her, "Izzi!"

"WHAT?" she yelled back.

"I can't understand you!" I said laughing.

 I heard her take a deep breath and said, "I just saw Niall Horan in the park by your house. And guess what he was doing! Kissing a girl!" I laughed with relief. Grateful that she didn't know it was me. "And he was kissing Annabel!"


"Not only was he kissing her but they were hugging also!" I was freaking out! Niall was cheating on me with a girl who us completely opposite and totally wrong for him! Annabel is the sneakiest girl in the school. She is a major freak! She always carries around a camera and is always taking perverted pics of us in the locker room. I shivered and groaned. I heard Isabel's voice but all I heard was pretty much a drone. I hung up the phone and called Larissa. I felt bad because she had just left but she was the only one I thought I could talk to about this. She was here in about 5 minutes and I was crying when she got there. She found me in the living room and I was crying and screaming into a pillow. I didn't want my mom or dad to know because he had made such a good impression on them. I knew that my parents would protect me no matter what, but I also knew that if they found out and it proved to be wrong, I might lose Niall forever. I knew that when I agreed to be his girlfriend, this might happen and that he might find someone better, who was more available to him. I tried hard to stay positive but my boyfriend is an adorable singer in a boy band. It was a very big risk and an even bigger chance that my heart would be broken. However, I thought that Niall would be kind enough to not tease me. Maybe I was wrong. All this and more I told Larissa. I was glad that she was there. She called her mom and asked if she could stay over at my house for the night. Her mom said yes. Lulu went home to grab some necessities for the night. She was back and by then, my room had been cleaned so we had a place to stay and I felt a little better. When she got here, we got a bunch of sheets and pillows to make a fort like we used to when we were little. I got some movies out and made some popcorn. We painted each other’s nails and we had a lot of fun. I almost forgot about Niall completely but I just couldn't shake those mean and negative “what ifs”. 

In the morning, we woke up at 10 and I made breakfast. I was flipping the last pancake when Lulu called me over. She was sitting at the bar with her laptop and had just finished checking her email. When she went onto msn, one of the news pics was Niall kissing Annabel. I grew hysterical again. I heard Larissa get up and get my phone. She called Niall. She put him on speaker just as he answered the phone and said, "hey beautiful."

I wanted to laugh but I couldn't. Larissa did it for me. Not one of those laughs that you use after a joke but one that you use when you are trying to he sarcastic. I could tell from his voice that Niall was confused.

He said, "Larissa?" I started screaming at him.

I yelled, "YOU ASS! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!" With that I stormed out of the room, pancakes forgotten. Larissa took the phone off speaker and started yelling into it, though what she was saying I couldn't tell. A fresh wave of tears and sobs wracked my body and I couldn't stop. I felt betrayed. I slid down the wall in the hallway and continued to cry. I don't know how long it was before I heard footsteps and felt an arm around me. I looked up and saw Larissa’s soft, warm, brown eyes, full of concern for me. "Come on," she said. "Let’s make you pretty." with that she pulled me up and guided me to my room. She told me to take a shower and I did. She looked at me and asked, "beach, book, friends, or pool?" I shrugged I didn't care. I just wanted to wake up from this horrible dream and undo everything so that I had never walked into McDonalds on that day two months ago. 

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