Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I got a text from Niall today. Ever since we met at McDonalds we had chatted but never gone out. It had been about two weeks now. We hadn't met face to face but had video chatted. We also had been texting each other a lot. Most of the time, we were both complaining about how hard it was for us. Him because he had been so busy with the tour and that the time changes had been killing his beauty sleep. When he texted me this I laughed and replied saying that no matter how much sleep he got he would still be beautiful to me. I would complain to him about my brother and my class and basketball practice and how I had no time to do homework so that my grades were slipping.

When I got his latest text I was surprised because it didn't have his usual signature at the end. All it said was

Marriott @ 8:00

I knew it was from him though because even though it didn't have his signature humor, he told me that he eats dinner at 8:00 and that our first actual face to face date would be a Marriott. Amazingly, we had kept our relationship a secret. Me from my friends and him from his. This of course did not include the boys because they were there when we met. The reason for the secrecy was so that I could carry on life as normal. Only it didn't seem like that were possible because he was on my mind every second of every day. I found it hard for him to not be, with his charming personality, his easy-going manner, and his ability to make any situation as painless as possible. However, I tried to make life go on as normal for me and I must be doing a pretty good job because no one has asked about it.

So I had read the text and knew it was him. I also knew I couldn't tell my friends because they might blab to the press. So I settled with shopping alone for something to wear. I settled with something simple yet elegant; jeans, a blue shirt with sleeves to my elbow, and black flats. It was casual so that it seemed like I wasn't expecting anything yet adorable enough to make an impression. I wasn't positively sure that this was a date, but I sooo hoped that it was.

I arrived at the Marriott a little after 8:00. When my friends go on dates, they wait across the street for their date to show up but I didn't want to be like them. Besides, I didn't want to push it with Niall. I feel like he can still go either way, like me, love me, friends, or never talk to me again. I hoped it would be like, and then love, but who knows what fate has in store for us, or me. I happened to hit all the red lights and traffic on the freeway so I was late. Even though I left at 7:30. I pulled up in the parking lot. I was pretty nervous but more excited. I went into the lobby and looked around. There was no room number on the text so I just waited. I knew he had to be here because he was the one to set up the date.

I decided to go to the checkout desk and asked if a room had recently been rented under the name Niall. The person said no. I said, "What about Rose?" the person replied saying, "No however a young man did rent a room under 'I love you Rose' might that be what you are looking for?" "Yes thank you."

"Well he must be a nice boy because he even asked me to put this on the key chain." He gave me the keys and I saw that with the key, was a heart that said "NH+RF=4ever" This confirmed that it was from my Niall. I went up to the top floor where the room was. I was surprised to find that in order to open the elevator door; I had to insert the key. When the doors opened, I discovered that the whole floor was one room. As I entered, Niall saw me and a huge smile lit up his face. He ran up to me and swept me off my feet. He twirled me around then set me down. I gave him a big hug. "I was worried that you didn't get my text or didn't know where to go or that you wouldn't come." he said shyly. I replied with "I would know your texts anywhere and of course I would come. You must not forget that this is the first time we've seen each other in two weeks."

"It was worth the wait." Was all he said. He took my hand and led me to the kitchen. I wasn't surprised because I knew how much he loves to eat. I saw Harry at the sink. I thought that he was about to kick us out but then I think he realized that it was us. He said "'bout time you got here. This boy has been so anxious he's been pacing, rambling, and been just plain annoying." I couldn't help but laugh. He walked out leaving us alone. I looked out at all of the food spread out over the counter and heard my stomach rumble. I realized just how hungry I was and remembered that I don't usually eat dinner at 8:00 but at 6:00. Niall laughed, passed me a plate, a fork, a napkin, grabbed some for him, and started serving us. We ate and talked around the counter. We stayed in the kitchen after we finished eating. "I'm stuffed. Harry is a great cook! I'm surprised!" Niall laughed. I love that laugh. It makes me feel like I have no care in the world. All of a sudden, I realized how much I wanted to kiss him and make us official. How I wanted to let the world know how I feel about Niall. Instead, I settled for letting him know how I feel about him. I leaned over the counter towards him and kept going until our lips met. I kissed him, tentatively at first then with more passion. I was glad to find that he was kissing me back. I heard footsteps but didn't really take notice until I heard Zayn's voice saying, "I cannot believe he got a girl before me!" I reluctantly pulled away from Niall and gave Zayn my best "mad at you look" and said, "Go away Zayn!"

"I just came for a glass of milk!" I watched him until he laughed, then I started laughing. Niall was laughing too and I wanted to kiss him again. I love his laugh, it's just so... happy. I walked around to the other side of the bar so that I could stand next to him. We chatted for a while. Then we kissed some more. We heard Louis and Liam talking as they came into the kitchen. Again I reluctantly pulled away and said, "I thought that by now you guys would know that at dinnertime, the kitchen belongs to Niall?!" We all laughed and Niall and I left the kitchen. We went into the den and watched some movies. Before I knew it, it was 9:30. I was shocked at how fast the time flew by. I really did not want to leave but I knew I had to because mom wanted me home by 10:00. I gave Niall a last kiss, shouted to the boys' goodbye and TTYL, then left. As I was leaving the lobby a noticed that the man at the checkout desk was Paul. I was glad to know that my secret was still safe but also sad because I didn't know if we could ever be anything more than a secret.

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