Part 20: Captain underpants saves the day

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Then Poopypants aims his sizerator 2000 at the trio.

Professor P said, "We'll see whose laughing now! Now step away from my daughter."

They ran away.

Professor P said, "I'm gonna shrink the three of you, and keep you in my pocket, for all eternity!"

They kept running.

Professor P: Oh yes! But first..."

He takes out several tubes of lip balm, activates the enlarge ray on his sizerator 2000, aims it at his lip balm and pulls the trigger.

Professor P said, "Take each tube represents a different flavor, like cherry, butterscotch and mint. I also have an extra moisturizer SPF lip balm!"


eorge said, "Why does one person have so much lip balm?"

George, Harold and (Y/N) said, "Help! Somebody help us!"

From inside the bowl of the Turbo Toilet 2000, Captain Underpants regains consciousness, hearing his sidekicks pleas for help. Then he accidentally sucks in the toxic waste. This, somehow, allows him to momentarily bulk up in muscle.

Professor P said, "I hope you find small enough pens, to make your little comic books with because your about to be smaller."

Captain underpants flew out the toilet and everyone was amazed.

Captain Underpants said, "Tra-la-LAAAAAAAA! I feel..."

Then he returns to his normal size.

He said, "Awesome."

George said, "No way, he has real super powers!"

Harold said, "Oh! That is a twist that I didn't see coming as my many years of comic book studies."

Captain underpants said, "I have come to save the day."

Poopypants said, "And I have come to ruin it."

He took a shot but captain underpants dodged it.

Captain Underpants then stretches a pair of underwear, aiming it at Professor Poopypants!

Professor P said, "Eww, that's gross!"

Captain Underpants said, "There is more where that came from, Monday! Tuesday! Wednesday! Thursday!"

He kept shooting more underpants.

(Y/N) said, "Unlimited underwear!"

Both George and Harold said, "We're so glad we face them that super power."

Captain Underpants shoots another pair of underwear at the Sizerator 2000, causing it to fly out of Professor P's hand.

Professor P said, "My sizerator!"

Captain Underpants said, "It's mine now!"

Professor P said, "Alas... the final failure of Professor Poopypants!"

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