~What an asshole~

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(Author's Note ~ Hey everyone! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the two other fan fictions I have started (110 pounds and My Temporary Life). I am starting another fan fiction as I have loads on my old iPad from ages ago that I like the story of, will make them a little better and upload. I'm not so great with finishing series, but I will work hard to. Thank you)

Preview // You are a quiet girl who has been crushing on Jimin (your first love) for a few years now and was surprised to get faced with Jimin confessing his love to you. You're not considered a beautiful girl in the year so this was a big shock to the system. You have a best friend who has been by your side for 13 years now, her name is Wendy. You would chat about Jimin not stop so when he confessed, you both were over the moon. You immediately excepted and have been happy since. But, could this be too good to be true?

Your Point Of View ~

My eyes opened wide as my alarm screeched in my ears. I have been ecstatic to go to school ever since Jimin and I got together so I jumped up and got ready. While I was brushing my hair, my phone rang. "Hello? Jimin?" I asked down the line excitedly. "Can you meet me at the park after school?" Jimin asked coldly but it sounded more like a command. "Uh, Yeah. See yo-" Suddenly, he ended the call. I knew this wasn't a good sign, I've had been dreading this day ever since we got together. Knowing that i'm completely out of his league, I nervously bite my lip.

I rushed to school after halve an hour of sitting on my bed, thinking thorrowly. When I arrive at the gate, I hear my name. "Y/N!" Wendy runs up to me, a huge grin on her face. "Where's Jimin? Don't you normally walk with him?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously. "I thought so to...but Wendy, I think he's going to break up with me." Wendy pouts, putting an arm around me as we start walking to class. "I'm sure he won't, don't worry. Now, let's go to our lesson." I nod, a fake smile on my lips. She always seems to make me feel better, this is why she's my best friend. Wendy and I walk into the classroom and Jimin wasn't here. Maybe he bunked off school, that's what he normally did. Our school makes us have all of our lessons in the same classroom with the same people, it's very irritating.

After we finished our dreadful english lesson, Wendy and I walked to the canteen and sat at a free table. I started shoving the pasta down my throat but froze when I heard giggles from a table beside ours. My eyes fixed on the popular girls staring at me, laughing. A big sigh escaped my lips, putting my knife and fork down. It is true that i'm really self conscious about my weight but I find it difficult to loose it. I'm currently 5 foot 6, weighing at 75kg. It's very embarrassing as I technically weight twice the amount of Wendy and weigh more than my actual boyfriend. I immediately rise from my seat. "I'm not hungry anymore, see you in next period." Before Wendy could answer, I had already ran off.

It was now the end of the day and I was shitting myself with nervousness. Wendy and I got to the gate as I turned around to face her. "I need to meet my mum so i'll go around the other way, see you tomorrow." She smiles and I run to the park. Once I had arrived at the park gate, I peeped around the corner and saw Jimin sat there. I bit what was left of my nail and took a deep breath. Before I knew it, My feet started to drag me to him. He turned around, I could see he had a calm expression on his face.

"What is the problem?" Jimin scrunched up his nose. "I'm breaking up with you. For the last couple of weeks, I have been cheating on you." My eyes widened. I mean, I knew it was coming but it still hurt. He was my first love. "Why? What did I do wrong?" Jimin pouted. "I guess you didn't do anything wrong, it was gods fault. He made you look this ugly and fat." I could feel the tears blur up my eyes but luckily I was more angry that sad. "What? What do you just say?"

Jimin scoffed and tilted his head. "You were gullible enough to think I actually like you...are you that stupid?" My eyes looked away from his gross face. "You really are disgusting. I may not be beautiful on the outside but i'm beautiful on the inside, unlike you." He chuckled as I turned around and walked off, stomping in my steps. This bitch.

At home ~

"Hi mum, I'm home." My mum smiled as I ran upstairs. For some reason, I ended up staring at myself in the mirror. Maybe I should make myself look more presentable, It could benefit my health and my love life. A pout creeps onto my face as I fall back onto my bed. My eyes closed.

The next day ~

It was the last day of school and I got up, rubbing my eyes. Normally I would be bursting with energy but that didn't seem the case today. I got ready and ran to school for a change, seeing Wendy smiling. "Y/N! Finally, it's the last day of school!" She grins, making me automatically smile. "Yeah." Wendy grabs onto my arm, pulling me to class. "Is something wrong?" I show a fake smile, hiding my pain. I like to think i'm strong but it's hard to get over a first love. "Jimin broke up with me yesterday." Wendy sighed heavily, hugging me tighter. "He doesn't know what he's missing out on. You're beautiful, amazing and genuine unlike these other fake girls." I chuckled, walking to our classroom.

Wendy and I opened the door and I was appalled to see Jimin snogging another girl. It made my heart hurt but I was more furious than anything. His eyes fixed on me, a smirk appearing on his face. I scoffed and fell into my seat. "Might as well have a baby while you're at it, basically chewing at each others faces." I muttered underneath my breath angrily. Wendy looked at me sadly and I laughed. "Don't feel sorry for me, I understand that he doesn't love me." She shows a small smile.

The bell rang for lunch as Wendy and I got to the canteen. She pushed a tray infront of my face and I shook my head. "I don't have an appetite." Wendy pouted. "Fine, but don't starve." I chuckled as my eyes fixed on Jimin's table. He was sat next to that girl from before, watching them giggling and snuggling together was like torture but I have to accept it. I turned back to Wendy, noticing her choking on a large bit of cabbage. "Oh, Wendy! Be careful!" I grabbed her shoulder.

At home ~

I ran immediately upstairs and sighed. I really want to do something about my appearance so I'll start going to the gym and eating healthy everyday from now on. I'm sure i'll be able to do it and i'll be able to get back at Jimin also. A smirk crawls onto my lips, excited to see everyone's reaction to my new figure. Let's just hope I stick to my diet and workout plan, I'm going to be exhausted.

2 years later ~

Turns out, I managed to loose all of that weight! I'm now 5 foot 8 and 45 kg. Although I have lost all of it, it wasn't easy. As soon as summer break came along, My mum got an amazing job in America in which she decided to move into a big house. Not only has my appearance changed though, so has my attitude. I somehow don't feel scared of the teachers anymore and just talk with them normally, as I would with any other student. I haven't seen Wendy since but she still been on my mind constantly. I miss her.

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