~Well..this is awkward.~

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My alarm screeches in my ears as I moan angrily. "Shut the fuck up." I hit my alarm and got ready for school. I dressed up in high waisted shorts and a flowery crop top. Then I put on light makeup and did my hair in a messy bun, walking out with my bag hanging off my shoulder. Checking the time on my phone, it was 8:25. Aish, great. I only have five minutes to get to school. I start to pace up but when I finally arrive, I see a familiar face. "Wendy?" She looks back, a grin on her lips. "Y/N? Oh my god!" I run up to her and give her a tight hug, smiling. "Y/N....you look...amazing! I'm so jealous, why are you so beautiful?!" She squeals and I laugh, linking arms. "Wendy you are the prettiest girl I know, stop being so down on yourself."

Wendy and I walk into the lesson, me noticing everyone looking at me. "Y/N, You are very late." I roll my eyes. "I'm late because we have a transfer student." The teacher sighs and I walk to my seat. "Can you introduce yourself?" She asks and Wendy nods. "Hello, my name is Wendy!" She smiles and gets told to sit in the spare seat in front of me. I was starting the work when another student knocks on the door. "Oh yes, we have two transfer students today. I forgot." A guy walks in and my eyes widen as soon as I saw him. I'm sure you can guess who this is, right? It's my dad! Just kidding, I wish. "Hello, My name is Jimin." The teacher claps and points to a seat. "Sit there please." My fucking luck, she points to the seat beside mine. Well, the table beside mine but we had our own desks. He approaches it, Jimin's eyes fixing on me. A smirk creeps onto his face as I look away.

"Hi, I'm Jimin." My eyes move over to him. "Yeah. Surprisingly, I heard you just a minute ago." He scoffs and leans closer. "What's your name?" I lean back and bite my lip. "Y/N, Y/F/N." Jimin's eyes widen, It was pretty amusing. "You...You....You are Y/N? My ex girlfriend?" I sigh and look at him dead in the eyes. "We weren't a thing. You're not anything to me so don't even bother spreading it around." He looks intimidated, I liked it.

Jimin's point of view ~

Is it weird that my heart was beating wildly from her being so close? Y/N sure has changed, I regret the break up. But, I think I can win her back....I always do. Finally the bell rang for lunch and as everyone was going up, I found myself staring at Y/N. She really is pretty and boy is her body good. I saw her and Wendy disappear around the corner.

Your point of view ~

Wendy and I were linking arms as we finally arrived at the canteen. "Y/N! Come sit over here!" I heard a boy shout. I looked over and saw Jungkook waving and, as I was stepping forward, I noticed Jimin was sat on the table staring at me. He noticed me glaring at him and smirked. Gross. I shook my head and saw a spare table, running in that direction. As we were sat down, a boy in the year below us approached out table. "Y/N, I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Looking at Jimin's face, I wasn't in the mood for any boys. "I'll think about it." I tapped his shoulder and smiled, going back to my food. "It looks like boys are all over you Y/N." Wendy chuckled and I grinned.

Jimin's point of view ~

I was looking at Y/N when I noticed a guy approaching them. I couldn't make out what they were talking about but she tapped him on the shoulder and smiled. I didn't like it one bit, she's my girl. "Jimin, Are you okay? Do you have some sort of relationship with Y/N?" Taehyung asks and I shake my head. "No, She interests me." Everyone chuckles. "Most boys have a crush on her, but you are very lucky if she goes out with you." My eyes widen in surprise. "She has only been out with a few people but, when she has, apparently she has been playing with them. She's a total playgirl." Jungkook added. Before I could mention anything, I noticed Y/N glaring at us as she stood at the end of our table.

Your point of view ~

"She's a total playgirl." I scoffed as I bite my lip in fury. I hate when people talk behind my back, specially when it isn't true. Quickly, I step towards their table and lean forward. "Why are you talking about me behind my back when you could just say it to my face? Are you that pathetic?" Everyone looked up at me and Jungkook bowed his head. "I'm s-sorry Y/N..." He muttered. I may be a bitch but I am human. "It's okay." I turned around and walked up to Wendy. "Let's go to our next lesson." She nods and we walk to our class. Like my last school, We have all of our lessons in the same class...meaning I have to sit next to Jimin constantly.

I fall into my seat, watching students pile into the room slowely. Once we were about to start the lesson, someone passed a note to the teacher from the door. "Y/N, come to the front." She demanded. I sighed, taking the note out her hands and reading it. "What?!" I raised my voice. "What does it say?" Yoongi smirked from the back of the classroom. Yoongi is the bad boy of the school but I think of him as my best friend. Even though everyone is intimated by him and everyone thinks he's bad, he's actually one of the nicest people I know. "I'm not in the dresscode!" The class sniggers and I stomp to my seat, putting my feet on the table. "Y/N, please get your feet of the desk." I scrunch up my nose. "How am I suppose to when i'm going to be forced to wear tracksuit bottoms around?" The teacher sighs and turns back to the class, starting the lesson. While we were being taught a problem, I felt a pair of eyes on me. My eyes fixed on Jimin and I glared at him mouthing, "What?" He looked away quickly.

Jimin's point of view ~

She is so beautiful and it's almost impossible to not look at her. My heart started to pound violently in my chest. Suddenly, Y/N looks back at me and I look away awkwardly. I've never felt this way before, I've been the person playing with the girls. But who knew I would be feeling this way towards Y/N? And yes, Of course I felt bad towards her when I broke up with her but I can't look weak.

Your point of view ~

It was the end of the day and I picked up my bag, walking over to Wendy. "Wendy, Do you want to come around my house today?" I smile and she shakers her head sadly. "Sorry but I already have something planned." Sighing, I walk out the door and was about to head home when I recieved a text. "Y/NNN, Meet me in the spot." A smile creeped onto my face as I ran to the park. I clambered up the tree branches when I finally got into the small room, sitting with my knees against my chest. When I saw Yoongi's green hair, I grinned. Yoongi and I made this little spot for us about a year ago now and we hang out in it regularly. "What the matter?" I asked as we only ask each other to meet when something is on our mind. "Well, I saw you were annoyed that Wendy couldn't hang out with you so I decided to take her place." He smirked looking away. I could see he was blushing a little which was cute.

Yoongi's point of view ~

Of course I like Y/N, doesn't every guy? But I've never been out with someone before so I'll leave my confession for another time. Plus, She never accepts. But I hate it when guys confess to her, not because I like her too but because she's so close to me and I like protecting her. She chuckles and crosses her legs. "Thanks Yoongi. But, can I tell you a secret of mine?" I furrow my eyebrows nervously. "What is it?" Y/N pouts. "I didn't used to look like this. I used to be chubby, ugly and gross. Honestly, My first love was Jimin as he went to my old school with Wendy and I. But..."
"But?" I ask intruigued. "But when we finally got together and I was really happy, He broke up with me and said it was because I was ugly."

My expression changed almost in an instant.


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