~Thirsty As F**k~

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Everyone was back in their seats for the next lesson as the teacher walked in. "Hello clas- Oh Y/N is actually joining us today!" She smirks, folding her arms. Everyone else turns to face me as I leaned back in my chair. "You're funny." The teacher sighs and faces the class properly. "We've got homework today and it's a partner project. I will be picking your partners." I sigh and stand up, approaching the door. "Y/N, Where are you going?" The teacher asks, grabbing my arm. "To the toliet? By the way, I'm partnering with Wendy." I hear some deep voices moan as I walk down the corridor.

After I've finished, I come back into the classroom to see Wendy stood next to another girl and I widen my eyes. "We don't follow your rules, You have to be with the last person." The teacher chuckles. My eyes glance around the room to see who was by them self and what a surprise? It was fucking jimin. "Miss, Please can I have someone else? Yoongi?" He smiles apologetically and I scoff. "I feel very attacked right now...Fine!" I walk back out the room and was at the back gate when I heard my name. "Y/N?" It was Jimin and I sighed, standing up. "Who's house?" He looks at me surprised. "Oh...um...I don't m-mind." Why was he stuttering? Does he like me? What a idiot. "Since my mum is away, we'll go to mine." He looks like he's blushing which made me smirk and I start to walk home.

Jimin's point of view ~

She is so hot I just can't help but feel awkward around her. I was walking by her side, feeling my heart pound in my chest. It was so powerful, I was surprised she couldn't hear it. We arrive at a ginormous mansion and I stopped. "You can't just walk on someone's front lawn like that." I cried. Y/N looked back at me, smirking. "This is where I live." My eyes widened as I follow her into the house. "Really? What happened to the old, generic Y/N?" She scoffs and throws her bag down. "I've been this way all along, you just didn't take the time to get to know me." I scratched the back of my head guiltily.

Your point of view ~

I sat back on the sofa and scattered out the materials for the project across the table. Jimin and I started and although it was a little awkward, it wasn't that bad...but it wasn't great. I'm still very angry about what happened two years ago. To brighten up the mood, I turned on the tv and on came basically fifty shades of grey but more run down. A scene that I just can't describe popped up and I immediately changed the channel. "Ooh, shit." I chuckled and looked back to see Jimin sat there, a pink shade on the apples of his cheeks. He coughs awkwardly and leans closer to the large paper with halve of our homework on. "Why are you so uncomfortable?" I ask and Jimin looks at me inching closer. "Because I'm intimidated, I've never been like this before."

I layed back and bit my lip. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked at Jimin and he was smirking. What a pervert. "You think i'm easy?" Jimin tilted his head and scoffed. "No, you're just so irresistible right now." I shuffle away as he furrows his eyebrows. "Are you playing hard to get?"
"No, it's because I don't like you." Jimin laughs. "You're really are stubborn....I like it."

Jimin's point of view ~

After we finish the project, I start to over think my actions. I don't know what came over me, I just want Y/N and I want her badly. Something about her stubbornness makes me want her more and it's dangerous. "We're finished." She says, turning to me. "So, you want me to leave?" I moan and she nods, folding her arms. "But, you'll be home alone. Didn't you say you wanted company?" I want her to agree so I can hopefully win her back over. Maybe she can finally forget about that stupid yoongi guy. "Oh, So you're going to stay over tonight? You know, I have a big house but I don't have a spare room. I also don't wear anything to sleep." Just the thought of me sharing a bed with Y/N made me hot. I felt myself burning up and she chuckled. "Are you flustered?" Y/N inched closer to my face, my eyes darting to her lips. They were so kissable and I so badly wanted them against mine.

Your point of view ~

I notice his eyes on my lips and I smirked, moving away. "Unless you want to sleep on the sofa?" Jimin scoffed. "Why can't we just share a bed princess?" I tilted my head and shrugged. "You haven't got pajamas." He inched closer to my face, me leaning back. "Who needs pajamas?" I jab his shoulder, making him step back. "You horny pervert. Go home Jimin." He looks disappointed but grabs his bag, shrugging. "Your loss." I scoffed as he walked through the front door. I turn back and walk upstairs, moving into my room. I get into my pajamas which is basically just undressing and climbing in the duvet. But when I heard a creak downstairs, my eyes widened and I jumped up. It made me a little uncomfortable. The best thing to do was to check it out so I grabbed my flash on my phone, creeping downstairs.

When I turned on the light and saw Jimin, I was honestly quite relieved. "Jimin! What are you doing?" He looked back at me and jumped. He suddenly looked at my state and his eyes widened. I completely forgot about me just being in my bra and pants, I guess I'm just so used to it. "I l-left my pe-pencil c-case in here, d-did I s-scare you?" Jimin started to stutter, not taking his eyes off of my body. "Ya! Leave!" He chuckled and as he was turning to leave, Jimin looked back to face me. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay over?" I nodded violently. "Yes." He bit his lip and then proceeded to walk back outside to his car. Such a pervert, jeez.

The Next Morning // Jimin's Point Of View ~
My eyes slowly opened as my mum drew the curtains open. "I knew you would still be asleep. Come on, get up." I moaned and placed my pillow over my head. I had been excited recently to go to school because of Y/N, But now I'm just frustrated. Why couldn't she just like me like she did before? Once my mum had disappeared out of the room, I got up because I had no shirt on. While I was in the shower, images of Y/N popped up from last night. How could she just turn up in front of me like that? What if I that was that Yoongi prick? I quickly got our and got changed, making sure I wore something stylish as fuck so I can catch her attention.

Staring at the outfit laid out in front of me, I sighed. I had never put so much effort into an outfit. There was blue ripped jeans, a red flannel shirt, a jumper, a baseball jacket and some timberlands. But once I tried it all on, and I kept on changing it up, I was happy with it. "I'm one hot fucker." Mumbling, I smirked and picked up my bag. "Oh, you look good. Is something important happening today?" My mother smiled, fiddling with my jacket. "I just felt like making an effort, goodbye." Before she could say anything else, I had already left the house. I was walking down the street when I noticed a few girls staring at me. A smirk creeped onto my lips, I hadn't felt this feeling since Korea and I missed it. When I arrived at the gate, I saw Jungkook and approached him by holding his shoulder. He jumped in my grip.

"Oh, Jimin? You look so good!" He raised an eyebrow. "But why?" I scoffed and began to lead to class. "Ya! You like someone, don't you? Is it...Seulgi? Yeojung? Hani?" Jungkook groaned, trying to keep up with my speed. "I don't like anyone." I reassured him but I could tell he wasn't buying it. "...By any chance, is it Y/N?" I widened my eyes and looked ta him weirdly. "I know, it's a silly question. Everyone likes her!" Smirking, I eventually arrived at class and sat at my assigned seat. "...Oooh Jimin!" I turned and saw Wendy looking at me weirdly. "Why are you suddenly making an effort now?" Scoffing, I looked down at the desk. "Suddenly? I don't need to make an effort to be hot," Wendy sighed and turned back around. Maybe I was too cocky, that was why no one likes me. But then I saw her, Y/N entered the room. She look stunning, even better than yesterday. All of my confidence went as I saw her rest herself beside me.

Your Point Of View ~
I was walking to school when I heard a fuss from in front of me. "Um, I think his name is Jimmie? Jimin? Aish, I don't know. But he looks so good, maybe I should try and get with him." Jimin? Jimin looks good? He may be hot as fuck but I can't just be with someone because of looks. It sounds cliche but it's true. That day I wore a white top, a leather skirt, a leather jacket and heeled boots. Once I got nearer to the classroom, I started to get more uncomfortable with my skirt. Was it too short? Will it blow up? I knew I was going to get an out-of-dress code card, but I didn't care anymore. I entered the classroom and everyone stared at me. Moving into my seat, I gave Jimin a stare down. Okay, he looked alright. But I still don't like him.

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